Saturday 3 December 2011

Identifying Sleep Disorders

Identifying Sleep Disorders

The definition of a sleep disorder is a condition that prevents someone from getting sleep or maintaining a normal sleep pattern. This can result in dysfunction or sleepiness during the day.
To determine if you are suffering from a sleep problem a simple self assessment will be helpful. It will also help you determine if you have a serious problem requiring a physicians professional help or you require simple lifestyle changes or home remedy aids.
Do You currently....
Have difficulty staying awake while you are sitting still i.e. reading or watching tv? Feel tired when driving or fall asleep? Have focusing or concentration problems? Have other people tell you that you look tired? Have slow reaction time? Have trouble controlling you emotions? Often feel irritable, agitated and tired? Feel like you need to take a nap often? Require stimulants to help keep you awake like caffeinated beverages?

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