Psoriasis Vulgaris
Psoriasis vulgaris, also known as plaque psoriasis, is the most common form of psoriasis and accounts for up to 90% of cases.
Psoriasis vulgaris is an immune-mediated disease which means that it results from unusual activity in the immune system. The result is that one's body begins to accelerate the growth cycle of skin cells to a very high pace, thus causing the characteristic appearance of sloughing, scaly, inflamed patches of silver-white skin.
Areas behind joints such as the knee and elbow are most susceptible to psoriasis vulgaris plaques. However, any region of the body can be affected including the scalp, feet and genitals.
Psoriasis vulgaris is an immune-mediated disease which means that it results from unusual activity in the immune system. The result is that one's body begins to accelerate the growth cycle of skin cells to a very high pace, thus causing the characteristic appearance of sloughing, scaly, inflamed patches of silver-white skin.
Areas behind joints such as the knee and elbow are most susceptible to psoriasis vulgaris plaques. However, any region of the body can be affected including the scalp, feet and genitals.