Determining Osteoporosis Symptoms for Immediate Treatment
We often hear of the disorder osteoporosis and how debilitating it is as a disease. However, there are only a few who are aware of what osteoporosis is all about. Knowledge about the treatment is not enough for knowing the different osteoporosis symptoms and causes is also vital.
Osteoporosis is a bone disorder wherein the bone density is decreased, reducing its strength and eventually leading to fragile bones. Having this makes you at risk for bone fractures especially on the wrist, the spine and the hips. It is more common in women, with 80% of cases happening to them. It is also observed to be common in people who are aged 50 and beyond. According to statistics, there are about 10 million people in the United States who are suffering from this disease, with 18 million who are at risk of developing it. It is also more common in Caucasians and Asians.
The lack of hormones, estrogen in women and androgen in men is the most common cause of osteoporosis. It has also been proven that this is hereditary, since there are about 30 genes that are associated with its development. It is also common in those who lack weight-bearing exercises and those who have diets that have inadequate calcium and Vitamin D. Cigarette smoking, regular alcohol drinking and having a sedentary lifestyle can also put you at risk for developing this disorder. Certain medical conditions can also lead to acquiring this such as anorexia, bulimia, rheumatoid arthritis, endocrine and hematologic disorders.
What makes this disorder difficult to diagnose is the absence of osteoporosis symptoms during the initial stage. You can have osteoporosis then for several years without knowing it until the occurrence of fractures. To differentiate osteoporosis fractures from other types of fractures, you will notice that these are usually painful. The location of the pain will depend on where the fracture is located. If the fracture happens on the spine, there will be a band-like pain that starts at the back and radiates to the sides of the body. When the condition becomes severe, the pain will also worsen, described as sharp and occurring suddenly. This becomes worse when you put weight on the affected area and it will usually be accompanied by tenderness. Other osteoporosis symptoms include the presence of the dowager hump which is a result of vertebral collapse from repeated spinal fractures. There will also be an increased risk for falls which is commonly associated with aging. The areas that are mostly affected are the spine, the hips and the wrist.
The treatment of this condition will begin on the particular osteoporosis symptoms that you have. The fractures will have to be fixed immediately, especially if these will require surgery. Proper diagnostic tests will also be done to determine that underlying cause so that the right medications will be given to you. You should not just take any medications unless these are prescribed by your physician after he did all the tests needed. Treatment is needed immediately so that you will not keep on suffering from these osteoporosis symptoms and such that complications will be avoided
Osteoporosis is a bone disorder wherein the bone density is decreased, reducing its strength and eventually leading to fragile bones. Having this makes you at risk for bone fractures especially on the wrist, the spine and the hips. It is more common in women, with 80% of cases happening to them. It is also observed to be common in people who are aged 50 and beyond. According to statistics, there are about 10 million people in the United States who are suffering from this disease, with 18 million who are at risk of developing it. It is also more common in Caucasians and Asians.
The lack of hormones, estrogen in women and androgen in men is the most common cause of osteoporosis. It has also been proven that this is hereditary, since there are about 30 genes that are associated with its development. It is also common in those who lack weight-bearing exercises and those who have diets that have inadequate calcium and Vitamin D. Cigarette smoking, regular alcohol drinking and having a sedentary lifestyle can also put you at risk for developing this disorder. Certain medical conditions can also lead to acquiring this such as anorexia, bulimia, rheumatoid arthritis, endocrine and hematologic disorders.
What makes this disorder difficult to diagnose is the absence of osteoporosis symptoms during the initial stage. You can have osteoporosis then for several years without knowing it until the occurrence of fractures. To differentiate osteoporosis fractures from other types of fractures, you will notice that these are usually painful. The location of the pain will depend on where the fracture is located. If the fracture happens on the spine, there will be a band-like pain that starts at the back and radiates to the sides of the body. When the condition becomes severe, the pain will also worsen, described as sharp and occurring suddenly. This becomes worse when you put weight on the affected area and it will usually be accompanied by tenderness. Other osteoporosis symptoms include the presence of the dowager hump which is a result of vertebral collapse from repeated spinal fractures. There will also be an increased risk for falls which is commonly associated with aging. The areas that are mostly affected are the spine, the hips and the wrist.
The treatment of this condition will begin on the particular osteoporosis symptoms that you have. The fractures will have to be fixed immediately, especially if these will require surgery. Proper diagnostic tests will also be done to determine that underlying cause so that the right medications will be given to you. You should not just take any medications unless these are prescribed by your physician after he did all the tests needed. Treatment is needed immediately so that you will not keep on suffering from these osteoporosis symptoms and such that complications will be avoided