Throat Gonorrhea - Symptoms and Treatment
Throat gonorrhea is regarded as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacteria. Throat gonorrhea is transmitted easily through penile-oral sexual intercourse or fellatio than by vaginal-oral sexual intercourse or cunnilingus. Throat gonorrhea is spread through engaging in oral sex with a person who is infected with gonorrhea bacteria. Neisseria gonorrhea or gonococcus infects the mucous parts of the body such as the penis, rectum, genital tract, throat, vagina, or eyes.
To diagnose throat gonorrhea, a standard gonococcal bacteria culture is typically done. This kind of test is highly specific, thus most laboratories do not perform this test. STD clinics are well equipped to do this test, but if you consult a standard clinic or lab, you must notify them that the sample being sent would be tested for gonococcal culture and not general bacteria testing. Also, a typical strep throat swab test will not detect pharyngeal or throat gonorrhea.
Treatment of gonorrhea throat generally involves oral antibiotics. However, this standard treatment is becoming problematic because gonorrhea is now regarded as a bacteria which is very resistant to common types of antibiotics. To treat it, different combinations of antibiotics need to be administered. There are instances when injections may be required in addition to oral medications. Furthermore, in different countries and geographical regions, have different kinds of antibiotics that work in combination with each other. You can consult your doctor to check the most effective current antibiotics combination for gonorrhea treatment with the aid of the national disease control board's advice.
Moreover, it is quite common that gonorrhea infects along with other sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia. That is why it is usual for people infected with gonorrhea to be treated simultaneously for other STDs. Aside from antibiotics; there are also available over-the-counter pain medications which can be prescribed by doctors to help cure a sore throat. As with any other STD, abstinence from sex or using protection would help prevent acquiring or spreading the disease.