Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs
Initially it is difficult to recognise what ringworm looks like. It does however look slightly different depending on which part of your body that you get the ringworm on. First of all the way ringworm looks like on a human bears no resemblance to what ringworm looks like on dogs or indeed what ringworm looks like on cats. It is true that domestic pets, horses, donkeys and cattle can all get ringworm but the actual look of it to the human eye is completely different. it is difficult to see on dogs and cats initially as it is buried under the skin and you will usually notice the animal start to itch, or the hair start to drop off and leave a red scar underneath. That will mean an instant trip to the vet.
There are certain diseases that look like ringworm and many people confuse the way for example that eczema looks like ringworm. They are similar in that they have a rash look to them but they are entirely two different illnesses. In fact there are many things that can look like ringworm so it is better to have a clear understanding of what ringworm actually looks like. Let's get the simple ones out of the way first.
Ringworm of the Nails
If you contact ringworm of the nails, on either hands or feet, then there are very distinct signs to look for. The nails will start to discolour and they go a yellow colour. They can quickly become brittle and also look rather chalky. As the ringworm takes hold they then will start to disintegrate so you will be in no doubt whatsoever that this is ringworm of the nails.
Ringworm of the Scalp or Head.
This usually starts as a small pimple or spot on the head and then develops a strong characteristic of a red ring that looks like small blisters or a ring of scaly skin that begins to grow outwards. Typically the roots of the hair are infected and the hair becomes brittle and will fall out. It can look rather ugly on the head as the hair starts to fall out and these rings with crusts start to appear.
Ringworm of the face and body
Ringworm of any kind has nothing to do with any type of worm so the name is misleading from that sense. The ring element of the name is however very accurate. The skin starts off with a series of small spots which eventually go clear in the middle as they spread out to form a ring. This is always how you will identify ringworm as it leaves a set of very clearly distinctive rings, which are red in colour and they often overlap. The sad reality with ringworm is that it does not look good at all, especially on the face or hands. It is a highly contagious illness and requires treatment right away to both cure it and prevent it from spreading.

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs
Initially it is difficult to recognise what ringworm looks like. It does however look slightly different depending on which part of your body that you get the ringworm on. First of all the way ringworm looks like on a human bears no resemblance to what ringworm looks like on dogs or indeed what ringworm looks like on cats. It is true that domestic pets, horses, donkeys and cattle can all get ringworm but the actual look of it to the human eye is completely different. it is difficult to see on dogs and cats initially as it is buried under the skin and you will usually notice the animal start to itch, or the hair start to drop off and leave a red scar underneath. That will mean an instant trip to the vet.
There are certain diseases that look like ringworm and many people confuse the way for example that eczema looks like ringworm. They are similar in that they have a rash look to them but they are entirely two different illnesses. In fact there are many things that can look like ringworm so it is better to have a clear understanding of what ringworm actually looks like. Let's get the simple ones out of the way first.
Ringworm of the Nails
If you contact ringworm of the nails, on either hands or feet, then there are very distinct signs to look for. The nails will start to discolour and they go a yellow colour. They can quickly become brittle and also look rather chalky. As the ringworm takes hold they then will start to disintegrate so you will be in no doubt whatsoever that this is ringworm of the nails.
Ringworm of the Scalp or Head.
This usually starts as a small pimple or spot on the head and then develops a strong characteristic of a red ring that looks like small blisters or a ring of scaly skin that begins to grow outwards. Typically the roots of the hair are infected and the hair becomes brittle and will fall out. It can look rather ugly on the head as the hair starts to fall out and these rings with crusts start to appear.
Ringworm of the face and body
Ringworm of any kind has nothing to do with any type of worm so the name is misleading from that sense. The ring element of the name is however very accurate. The skin starts off with a series of small spots which eventually go clear in the middle as they spread out to form a ring. This is always how you will identify ringworm as it leaves a set of very clearly distinctive rings, which are red in colour and they often overlap. The sad reality with ringworm is that it does not look good at all, especially on the face or hands. It is a highly contagious illness and requires treatment right away to both cure it and prevent it from spreading.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Scabies on the Head and Scalp

Scabies on the Head and Scalp
Scabies is an extremely contagious skin condition which is caused due to the underlying parasites beneath the surface of the skin. The mites that cause scabies on humans are called "Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis". It can easily spread while coming into contact with the infected individual.
Rash is one of the most common symptoms of scabies, therefore it can often be mistaken for other skin conditions such as eczema or allergies. Scabies can become pretty severe if not diagnosed in time. Being contagious in nature, it can cause epidemics in crowded nursing homes, kindergartens, orphanages and schools.
In cases when there are Norwegian scabies, the appearance of scabies in elderly people or babies can also affect the scalp. Such a form of scabies would have hundreds of mites burrowed deep in the skin and cause rash, itch and inflammation. Mites responsible for scabies are microscopic in nature and their presence on the human host could be extremely difficult to reveal. Also, a majority of the symptoms of scabies are unspecific in nature and emerge after a few weeks of infection.
Usually, mites could be found in the lesser exposed parts of the skin such as the skin folds between the toes, fingers, elbows, buttocks, armpits and the pubic region. In worst cases, the scabies can also infest the face and the scalp. The symptoms are revealed since the body tends to develop allergic reactions to the eggs or the faecal matter secreted by the mites. If scabies are not eliminated in time, they can lead to serious skin disorders such as impetigo.

Eczema on Penis Can Be Cured

Eczema on Penis Can Be Cured
Eczema on the penis is an ailment I had to tolerate day by day for quite a few years. I've additionally had eczema on the chin, inside of elbows, eczema on my fingers, as well as in the area of my ears. At times, when the rashes were extreme, I had eczema outbreaks on the eyelids too.
Hardly any people like eczema outbreaks, but penile eczema is especially horrible. Eczema on the penis is difficult to endure, and it can be difficult to be intimate with the opposite sex.
Anybody who has endured eczema on the penis will understand what I am saying here. Eczema is often not taken seriously enough by the medical doctors.
The fundamental reason for penile eczema will not be different from the reason for other forms of dermatitis. The signs are dried up, irritated, crimson-looking skin, and weeping eczema from time to time.
Most definitely you'll have rashes on different locations of the physique if you have eczema on penis, but not in all cases.
Eczema on the penis does not discriminate between youngsters and adults. As well as the ordinary regions of eczema on penis, the eczema may contain the area of the groin.
The skin on the penis may be very sensitive, therefore it's comprehensible that this location is pretty weak for eczema symptoms to occur. That is notably true whenever you perceive the root cause of eczema, and what leads to eczema symptoms in the first place.
Penile eczema is a troublesome experience, and it may be pretty hard to take. The desire to scratch is in and of itself a pain. Luckily, penile eczema will be utterly healed by dealing with the cause.
In addition to caring for the foundation cause, you might need to take into account these precautionary measures. It's a good idea to search out out which varieties of meals that makes your rashes appear.
This should also assist to your itch. A natural lotion of some form can also be good to put on. Be extremely cautious of what you put on on your penis. Attempt to avoid chemicals of all varieties.
Before making use of something to your penis, be pretty sure that it doesn't contain ethanol. Many ointments do.
Penile eczema is terrible sure, but you ought to focus on understanding the cause of eczema. Next you will be able to begin to take care of that root cause.
The elemental cause of all eczema is intertwined with the digestive system. It has to do with food regimen and chronic constipation and digestive problems.