Thursday, 6 January 2022

Lupus Skin Diseases and Symptoms 2022

Lupus Skin Diseases and Symptoms

Lupus is an autoimmune disease and there are actually several different types of this disease that individuals can suffer from. When most individuals think of the word Lupus they automatically think of how it affects an individual's internal organs and systems. What they do not realize is that there are several skin diseases associated with Lupus as well. There are three different types of Lupus that focus on the skin rather than the internal organs of the person. One of the most noticeable symptoms of any type of Lupus is that it affects the skin with rashes. Lupus can present with a butterfly shaped rash on the individual's face that covers the skin under each eye and connects over their nose, almost like a mask. Many times this rash is not as severe as the rashes that an individual suffering from one of the types of Lupus skin diseases would be. The rashes and sores that do occur from this can be embarrassing and painful. It can even lead to scarring depending on the severity of the rash and sores. Individuals that suffer from Lupus should stay out of the sun to help with their rashes as sunlight can have a very pronounced effect on the rashes. It can be important that when someone with Lupus leaves their home they should either be wearing clothing that helps to protect themselves from the sun or a high SPF sunscreen. This can help prevent the rashes from coming or from getting worse. Some other things that individuals with these skin diseases should stay away from are tanning beds and cigarette smoke as well as they can irritate the skin. A doctor that specializes in autoimmune diseases can help the sufferer deal with these skin rashes that occur. Many times treatment is with ointments and creams that can be applied topically. Lupus skin diseases are something that will need to be handled with care for many individuals. It can be hard to know that others can see the effects of the disease you are struggling with written over your skin. Finding a doctor that can give you treatment advice is very important to helping your skin be as healthy as possible.