Wednesday 21 September 2011

Lordosis Causes and Solutions

Lordosis Causes and Solutions
Almost everyone in the world has done a sit up sometime during their life. The exception are only those that have not started school or began to walk yet. Lordosis is actually a very common condition, and the severity is depended upon the person and their imbalance. Many people have lordosis without even realizing it; others are aware of the pain, but unaware of the condition.
Lordosis is an exaggerated lumbar curve in the spine. It is caused by overactive or tight hip flexors, weak hip extensors, and weak abdominals. Many people that sit down a lot during the day have lordosis and others that do a lot of sit ups have it. Notice a lot of people come out of the military with lower back pains? Most of the time it is caused by loads of sit ups that are required to maintain physical fitness.
Sit ups can cause lordosis by working the hip flexors more than the rectus abdominis. The ab muscles, which anatomically are known as the rectus abdominis, act to elevate the torso with help from three muscles that flex the hip - iliopsas, which is actually three muscles - the psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus. And the rectus femoris, which is the only quad muscle that runs anterior of the femoroacetabular joint.
When the hip flexes, a person with weak abs will only get minimum work from their ab muscles directly. This causes the hip flexors to do a lot of the work. The hip flexors will continue working long before the ab muscles have fatigued, and the the result is a forward pelvis - an anterior pelvic tilt we call "lordosis". Other exercises that target the ab muscles are sometimes acknowledged to target the hip flexors. One of which, is the hanging weighted leg raise. The leg raise flexes the hip, but is better than sit ups because it involves more of the spinal erectors that have to stabilize the lower back.
The anterior pelvic tilt, called "lordosis" can be fixed in many ways. The solution is first to stretch the overactive muscles - in this case the hip flexors and strengthen the abs and hip extensors. How can you strengthen the abs without the hip flexors too? Isometric ab work like planks. How can you strengthen the hip extensors? Stiff-leg deadlifts and low bar squats can do the job, so can glute hamstring raises. If you insist on concentrically working your abs with sit ups or leg raises, then squeeze the glutes at the bottom to deactivate the hip flexors.

Skin Yeast Infection

Skin Yeast Infection
Skin yeast infection is probably not one that most people have heard of. When you hear the word "yeast infection", your thoughts probably turn to the vagina (for women) or the penis (for men), but did you know that a candida infection can also be present on the skin of other areas of the body? This article will review some common places on the human body skin where a yeast fungal infection can be found.yeast
Skin yeast infection of the vagina
Let's start with one the most common candida fungal infections. Women can get excess amounts of in and around the vaginal cavity. The result is frequent burning and itching in the female genital area. Severe cases of a vaginal yeast outbreak include sores and lesions.
Skin yeast infection of the penis
It is not uncommon for a man to contract penile yeast infections when having sexual intercourse with a partner that has an active candida infection in her vagina. One challenge, however is proper diagnosis as it is often difficult for a non-medical person to know the difference between a sexually transmitted disease and the existence of the candida fungus on the penis. Severe cases of a penile yeast infection can result in blisters at the tip of the head of the penis - causing severe pain during urination and sexual activity. Also, yeast blisters are not always limited to the penile shaft - sometimes the infection can spread through the inner thighs of a man, even back toward the anus.
Skin yeast infection in the folds of the skin
Irritation can form under the folds of the skin. This creates a condition called intertrigo and can present itself in moist, warm areas of the body such as the groin, breasts, underarms as well as under the skin folds of the belly of an obese person. If there are any cuts or lesions in these precarious locations, then the yeast organisms can penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream. Proper hygiene is extremely important for someone who has a problem with frequent candida infections of the skin folds. This includes making sure that you take frequent showers (and clean all folds of the skin with soap and water). In addition, when in situations where excessive sweating can take place, make sure that all the skin folds are wiped down with a dry towel as quickly as possible so that the yeast does not breed and multiply at a faster pace.

Chicken Pox- Symptoms

Chicken Pox- Symptoms
Chicken pox is a disease that affects mainly children. It is contagious and can be spread even through air. The main way of chicken pox transmission is by direct contact with the person infected by chicken pox. Like many other disease, chicken pox also has symptoms. These signs will appear about three weeks after infection with the virus that causes chicken pox. The reason for this is because the chicken pox virus has an incubation period. The proper medical term fro chicken pox is actually varicella, because the name of the virus that causes this children' s disease is called varicella zoster.
As I have said earlier, chicken pox has few symptoms. Some of them may not even be noticeable. The first signs of chicken pox set off very sudden and there are cases when the chicken pox patient will actually have no symptoms at all. A mild fever, some weakness and tiredness are the first chicken pox symptoms that you will feel, after the incubation period is over. Soon after this signs of chicken pox, a rash will start to appear on your skin. At first only some areas of your body will be affected by these tiny, red spots. The main target of chicken pox rash are at first the chest and back. Then, just in a couple of hours it will spread all over your body. Even places like the mouth and scalp will eventually be affected by chicken pox.
The next step that will happen in your child' s chicken pox case is that the rash will start to develop into blisters that are filled with fluid. Eventually, these chicken pox blisters will dry, form scabs and fall off. Children are more fortunate than adults when it come to chicken pox symptoms, as well as chicken pox complications caused by infection. If there is the case of infection in a child that suffers from chicken pox, rest assure that this will be a very mild case, with no side- effect. On the other hand, if an adult suffers from chicken pox, mainly because he/ she did not have this disease when being a child, things can get more complicated.
So, as you can see, chicken pox has few symptoms at the beginning of the disease. When the rash appears, and then the blisters, then things get more clear. However, you will not know if your child has been infected with chicken pox for more than two weeks, which is the incubation period of the chicken pox virus.

Chicken Pox- Symptoms

Chicken Pox- Symptoms

Chicken pox is a disease that affects mainly children. It is contagious and can be spread even through air. The main way of chicken pox transmission is by direct contact with the person infected by chicken pox. Like many other disease, chicken pox also has symptoms. These signs will appear about three weeks after infection with the virus that causes chicken pox. The reason for this is because the chicken pox virus has an incubation period. The proper medical term fro chicken pox is actually varicella, because the name of the virus that causes this children' s disease is called varicella zoster.

As I have said earlier, chicken pox has few symptoms. Some of them may not even be noticeable. The first signs of chicken pox set off very sudden and there are cases when the chicken pox patient will actually have no symptoms at all. A mild fever, some weakness and tiredness are the first chicken pox symptoms that you will feel, after the incubation period is over. Soon after this signs of chicken pox, a rash will start to appear on your skin. At first only some areas of your body will be affected by these tiny, red spots. The main target of chicken pox rash are at first the chest and back. Then, just in a couple of hours it will spread all over your body. Even places like the mouth and scalp will eventually be affected by chicken pox.

The next step that will happen in your child' s chicken pox case is that the rash will start to develop into blisters that are filled with fluid. Eventually, these chicken pox blisters will dry, form scabs and fall off. Children are more fortunate than adults when it come to chicken pox symptoms, as well as chicken pox complications caused by infection. If there is the case of infection in a child that suffers from chicken pox, rest assure that this will be a very mild case, with no side- effect. On the other hand, if an adult suffers from chicken pox, mainly because he/ she did not have this disease when being a child, things can get more complicated.

So, as you can see, chicken pox has few symptoms at the beginning of the disease. When the rash appears, and then the blisters, then things get more clear. However, you will not know if your child has been infected with chicken pox for more than two weeks, which is the incubation period of the chicken pox virus.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Leprosy Factoids

Leprosy Factoids
The disease leprosy has made the headlines this week due to the elevation of sainthood to Jozef De Veuster, also known as Father Damien, who worked with leprosy victims on the Hawaiian island of Molokai from 1873 till his death from leprosy in 1889.
To many Americans leprosy is a disease of the Old and New Testaments, however this disfiguring and potentially fatal disease is alive and well in many parts of the world.
Here are some facts about leprosy and its current state in the world and the United States:
1. Leprosy or Hansen's Disease, is a bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae (Mycobacterium is the same genus of the organism that causes tuberculosis).
2. It is not very contagious and is likely transmitted person to person via respiratory secretions during close and frequent contacts.
3. It has a relatively long incubation time ranging from 9 months to 20 years till symptoms appear.
4. An early sign of leprosy is typically a spot on the skin that may be slightly redder, darker, or lighter than the person's normal skin. The spot may lose feeling and hair. In some people, the only sign is numbness in a finger or toe. Untreated leprosy can cause some very serious problems with the skin and nerves. Leprosy bacteria attack the nerves in the hands and feet and cause them to become numb. It can also attack the nerves around the eye and damage to the internal lining of the nose.
5. The incidence is declining worldwide due to factors like economic development, BCG immunization and multidrug therapy.
6. The total number of cases reported in early 2009 was 213,036, down from 249,007 the year before.
7. The World Health Organization has targeted the disease for elimination

Measles - Causes-Symptoms and Treatment

Measles - Causes-Symptoms and Treatment
Definition: It is an acute, contagious viral disease, usually occurring in childhood and characterized by eruption of red spots on the skin, fever, and catarrhal symptoms.
Measles , also known as rubeola, is a potentially disastrous disease. It can be complicated by ear infections, pneumonia , encephalitis. The virus is spread easily through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes or by direct contact with infected nose or throat secretions.
It is a highly infectious viral disease characterized by a sore throat and a blotchy red rash that starts on the face and neck, and spreads to the rest of the body.Measles is also known as, five-day measles, or hard measles. A person who has had measles will never get the disease again.
Causes for Measles
Measles is caused by the measles virus i.e- Paramyxovirus. It is mostly seen in the winter and spring. The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract or the conjunctiva. Measles is endemic throughout the world.
Other main causes of measles includes:
• Personal contact is the main cause of measles because it is a contagious disease.
• Droplets from coughs and sneezes
• Immunodeficiency due to HIV/AIDS
• Malnutrition
• Vitamin A deficiency will lead to the condition of measles.

Symptoms of Measles
The symptoms of measles usually begin to develop about 7-11 days after the person first becomes infected.
List of symptoms of Measles:
• Runny nose.
• Sneezing.
• Red eyes.
• Red spots in mouth.
• Red spots inside cheeks.
• Koplik spots - small spots in the mouth.
• Mouth spots with white center and red ring.
• Skin rash.
• Light sensitivity.
• coughing , possibly with a barking cough.
• sore throat - the lymph nodes in the throat may swell.
• at first the spots are very small - a couple of millimetres - but they double in size quickly and begin to join together.
• the temperature, which may run as high as 40ºC, may stay that high for a couple of days. Then it disappears together with the rash, which may leave some brown spots.

Herbal Home remedies for Measles
Here are some Important Herbal and Home Remedies for the Measles:
Garlic Oil: Apply garlic oil to any infected areas to prevent infection.
Drink Saffron: Drink saffron and snake root tea to aid the healing process.
Lobelia: Take lobelia and yarrow for the fastest recovery from measles.
Orange Juice: Fresh Orange juice is very beneficial for the measles treatment.
Barley Water: Barley water should be taken daily to cure from measles.
Lemonade: Lemonade should be taken often.
Chamomile: It will not only helps reduce a fever but stimulates the immune system too. hild hydrated with fluids and give a soothing oatmeal baths to relieve itching.
Ginger Tea: It can be effective against a fever. It is most helpful for the child who tends to feel cold, especially in the hands and feet.
Shiitake Mushrooms: It has immure-stimulating properties. They may be eaten fresh, or taken in capsule form.


What is an ulcer? Basically, an ulcer is an external or internal sore or lesion that is a sign of necrosis (death of the tissues at a cellular level). Most ulcers that plague people are called "gastric" ulcers which are internal in nature. However, there are several kinds of ulcers and they include: decubitus ulcer, peptic ulcer, serpent ulcer, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, bed sore, and canker sore (herpes).

Internal ulcers usually occur on the mucous membranes (the internal skin) in the gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcers occur where the lining of the stomach have been eroded away due to extreme acidosis. Like peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and ulcerative colitis occur in the digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract. However, gastric ulcers in the stomach are the most common ulcers.

The symptoms of internal ulcers include inflammation (chronic burning), stomach pain, and bleeding (from the rectum). Internal ulcers are the result of ACID, too much acid in the body. And where does this acid come from? Answer: degenerate diet and lifestyle!

Eating meat, dairy, and starches all contribute to acidosis, for meat converts into URIC ACID, dairy converts into LACTIC ACID, and STARCH converts into CARBONIC ACID.

And lets not forget about the acidic beverages Americans greatly consume which plays a major role in acidosis - soda pop (which has a pH of 2 - GREATLY ACIDIC!), orange juice (processed and boxed); milk, Kool Aid; coffee and hot cocoa, various fruit punches, beer (devil's brew), wine and other spirits to name a few.

And then there's stress! Stress makes the body acidic. Stress is very detrimental to human health, but many people are under it due to being misaligned or disconnected with God, Nature and the Universe predicated upon finances (the lack thereof), job insecurity and/or unhappiness, marital/relationship problems, living a lie or chronic lying; debt (credit cards, behind on the home mortgage or car note, etc.); living unrighteous (fornicating, adultery, scheming, stealing, etc.), legal situations and litigation (usually as the defendant); and unemployment to list just a few of the things that causes stress.

You see, when you have to digest or process so much stuff in life, it usually results in digestive problems, that's why gastric ulcers are the most common form of ulcers.

Stress creates too much acid in the body. Stress and a very poor diet will undoubtedly lead to stomach or digestive problems and many times this will lead to headaches, bilious or migraine headaches. And what do most people take for headaches? Answer: drugs in the form of aspirin. Aspirin converts into ascetic acid and literally eats up your red blood corpuscles (just like white vinegar does). Aspirin is so caustic on the internal lining in the stomach and digestive tract that it literally burns a hole in the lining of the digestive tract causing gastric ulcers which eventually leads to internal bleeding which many times is manifested in blood in the stools.

And eating and drinking acidic things does not help the situation, but only exacerbates the situation. This is why people with "acid reflux" usually are prescribed "antacids." An antacid is an "anti" acid or that which counteracts acid. And what counteracts acid? Answer: ALKALINITY! Although the antacids are alkaline in nature, they break down into the body as acids and further the problem. Antacids only "mask" the problem (acidosis, ulcers), but does not heal the problem.

So now we have an idea of what causes ulcers, what can be used to heal ulcers?

Healing ulcers naturally

The best remedy for healing ulcers, especially gastric (stomach) ulcers is a diet rich in natural green foods - eating plenty of green cruciferous vegetables and drinking vegetable juice daily or as often as possible. Green foods are very healing! Parsley, kale, spinach, broccoli, cilantro, Roamine and green lettuce, watercress, asparagus, etc. are some of the best green foods available. And remember, green foods are naturally antacid without any adverse or negative side effects such as Tums or Rolaids and other OTC (over the counter) drugs.

Dandruff Cures Available From Antiseptic Scalp Treatments

Dandruff Cures Available From Antiseptic Scalp Treatments
Dandruff is one of the most difficult conditions to get rid of and one many people face daily. Although it is a very annoying situation, having dandruff is hardly ever a very serious health problem. It presents what is typically a socially-based cosmetic challenge because many people who suffer dandruff experience even debilitating embarrassment. The actual appearance of dandruff doesn't cause any physical suffering, but the mental stress can be just as harmful. Fortunately, there are several natural methods a knowledgeable person can employ treating this condition. Choosing the correct treatment for your specific dandruff condition is going to be an important decision determining if you will discover a cure.

Scalp Treatment is Best Option

All dandruff conditions are associated with your scalp health. Therefore, this is the best place to start your journey toward ridding yourself of dandruff. Keep in mind there are a plethora of shampoos on the market claiming they can get the job done. Many do an admirable job for temporarily "hiding" the signs of dandruff yet offer no permanent solution for getting rid of it once and for all. The actually irony is there are many natural antiseptic choices easily found that can be effectively used to treat the scalp putting an end to all that flaky dandruff.

Try One, Try Several Natural Remedies

Nature provides many sources that can be used in the battle against dandruff. There are four common and popular choices - witch hazel, rosemary, eucalyptus oil and lavender - that when used as regular scalp treatments can get rid of the fungus source for what causes dandruff. These natural treatments should have an immediate effect cutting down on the very amount of dandruff you usually see.

Skin Type Adds to Condition

There are other challenges that create favorable situations for dandruff to grow and prosper which includes the type of skin you have. People who possess either dry or oily skin can suffer from varying strengths of dandruff appearing. This makes it quite important for people seeking a natural treatment to determine the cause of your dandruff. Using an antiseptic scalp treatment never causes any harm even if the source for your dandruff condition is not fungus growth.

Just Say NO to Shampoo

Avoid all types of medicated shampoo because repeated use has a tendency to cause a good deal of scalp damage although it may just help control your dandruff condition, using shampoos as a remedy only helps to treat the situation and never cures you from the consistent appearance of embarrassing flakes. After all, it is hard to limit wardrobe choices to white or light colors simply to avoid being noticed as a dandruff sufferer out in public.

Become a self-educated dandruff combatant by taking advantage of the Internet to learn more about the natural treatments available that will have you joyfully wearing that little black dress confidently or your dark, pin-striped suit with pride.

Don't suffer dandruff sitting locked in a room alone when there is help available. Check out the natural dandruff treatments that will brush off your situation for good.

Curt Middleton has been a newspaper/magazine journalist for more than three decades covering wide variety of topics including public health issues.

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs
Initially it is difficult to recognise what ringworm looks like. It does however look slightly different depending on which part of your body that you get the ringworm on. First of all the way ringworm looks like on a human bears no resemblance to what ringworm looks like on dogs or indeed what ringworm looks like on cats. It is true that domestic pets, horses, donkeys and cattle can all get ringworm but the actual look of it to the human eye is completely different. it is difficult to see on dogs and cats initially as it is buried under the skin and you will usually notice the animal start to itch, or the hair start to drop off and leave a red scar underneath. That will mean an instant trip to the vet.
There are certain diseases that look like ringworm and many people confuse the way for example that eczema looks like ringworm. They are similar in that they have a rash look to them but they are entirely two different illnesses. In fact there are many things that can look like ringworm so it is better to have a clear understanding of what ringworm actually looks like. Let's get the simple ones out of the way first.
Ringworm of the Nails
If you contact ringworm of the nails, on either hands or feet, then there are very distinct signs to look for. The nails will start to discolour and they go a yellow colour. They can quickly become brittle and also look rather chalky. As the ringworm takes hold they then will start to disintegrate so you will be in no doubt whatsoever that this is ringworm of the nails.
Ringworm of the Scalp or Head.
This usually starts as a small pimple or spot on the head and then develops a strong characteristic of a red ring that looks like small blisters or a ring of scaly skin that begins to grow outwards. Typically the roots of the hair are infected and the hair becomes brittle and will fall out. It can look rather ugly on the head as the hair starts to fall out and these rings with crusts start to appear.
Ringworm of the face and body
Ringworm of any kind has nothing to do with any type of worm so the name is misleading from that sense. The ring element of the name is however very accurate. The skin starts off with a series of small spots which eventually go clear in the middle as they spread out to form a ring. This is always how you will identify ringworm as it leaves a set of very clearly distinctive rings, which are red in colour and they often overlap. The sad reality with ringworm is that it does not look good at all, especially on the face or hands. It is a highly contagious illness and requires treatment right away to both cure it and prevent it from spreading.

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs

What Does Ringworm Look Like? The Tell Tale Signs
Initially it is difficult to recognise what ringworm looks like. It does however look slightly different depending on which part of your body that you get the ringworm on. First of all the way ringworm looks like on a human bears no resemblance to what ringworm looks like on dogs or indeed what ringworm looks like on cats. It is true that domestic pets, horses, donkeys and cattle can all get ringworm but the actual look of it to the human eye is completely different. it is difficult to see on dogs and cats initially as it is buried under the skin and you will usually notice the animal start to itch, or the hair start to drop off and leave a red scar underneath. That will mean an instant trip to the vet.
There are certain diseases that look like ringworm and many people confuse the way for example that eczema looks like ringworm. They are similar in that they have a rash look to them but they are entirely two different illnesses. In fact there are many things that can look like ringworm so it is better to have a clear understanding of what ringworm actually looks like. Let's get the simple ones out of the way first.
Ringworm of the Nails
If you contact ringworm of the nails, on either hands or feet, then there are very distinct signs to look for. The nails will start to discolour and they go a yellow colour. They can quickly become brittle and also look rather chalky. As the ringworm takes hold they then will start to disintegrate so you will be in no doubt whatsoever that this is ringworm of the nails.
Ringworm of the Scalp or Head.
This usually starts as a small pimple or spot on the head and then develops a strong characteristic of a red ring that looks like small blisters or a ring of scaly skin that begins to grow outwards. Typically the roots of the hair are infected and the hair becomes brittle and will fall out. It can look rather ugly on the head as the hair starts to fall out and these rings with crusts start to appear.
Ringworm of the face and body
Ringworm of any kind has nothing to do with any type of worm so the name is misleading from that sense. The ring element of the name is however very accurate. The skin starts off with a series of small spots which eventually go clear in the middle as they spread out to form a ring. This is always how you will identify ringworm as it leaves a set of very clearly distinctive rings, which are red in colour and they often overlap. The sad reality with ringworm is that it does not look good at all, especially on the face or hands. It is a highly contagious illness and requires treatment right away to both cure it and prevent it from spreading.

Monday 19 September 2011

Scabies on the Head and Scalp

Scabies on the Head and Scalp
Scabies is an extremely contagious skin condition which is caused due to the underlying parasites beneath the surface of the skin. The mites that cause scabies on humans are called "Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis". It can easily spread while coming into contact with the infected individual.
Rash is one of the most common symptoms of scabies, therefore it can often be mistaken for other skin conditions such as eczema or allergies. Scabies can become pretty severe if not diagnosed in time. Being contagious in nature, it can cause epidemics in crowded nursing homes, kindergartens, orphanages and schools.
In cases when there are Norwegian scabies, the appearance of scabies in elderly people or babies can also affect the scalp. Such a form of scabies would have hundreds of mites burrowed deep in the skin and cause rash, itch and inflammation. Mites responsible for scabies are microscopic in nature and their presence on the human host could be extremely difficult to reveal. Also, a majority of the symptoms of scabies are unspecific in nature and emerge after a few weeks of infection.
Usually, mites could be found in the lesser exposed parts of the skin such as the skin folds between the toes, fingers, elbows, buttocks, armpits and the pubic region. In worst cases, the scabies can also infest the face and the scalp. The symptoms are revealed since the body tends to develop allergic reactions to the eggs or the faecal matter secreted by the mites. If scabies are not eliminated in time, they can lead to serious skin disorders such as impetigo.

Eczema on Penis Can Be Cured

Eczema on Penis Can Be Cured
Eczema on the penis is an ailment I had to tolerate day by day for quite a few years. I've additionally had eczema on the chin, inside of elbows, eczema on my fingers, as well as in the area of my ears. At times, when the rashes were extreme, I had eczema outbreaks on the eyelids too.
Hardly any people like eczema outbreaks, but penile eczema is especially horrible. Eczema on the penis is difficult to endure, and it can be difficult to be intimate with the opposite sex.
Anybody who has endured eczema on the penis will understand what I am saying here. Eczema is often not taken seriously enough by the medical doctors.
The fundamental reason for penile eczema will not be different from the reason for other forms of dermatitis. The signs are dried up, irritated, crimson-looking skin, and weeping eczema from time to time.
Most definitely you'll have rashes on different locations of the physique if you have eczema on penis, but not in all cases.
Eczema on the penis does not discriminate between youngsters and adults. As well as the ordinary regions of eczema on penis, the eczema may contain the area of the groin.
The skin on the penis may be very sensitive, therefore it's comprehensible that this location is pretty weak for eczema symptoms to occur. That is notably true whenever you perceive the root cause of eczema, and what leads to eczema symptoms in the first place.
Penile eczema is a troublesome experience, and it may be pretty hard to take. The desire to scratch is in and of itself a pain. Luckily, penile eczema will be utterly healed by dealing with the cause.
In addition to caring for the foundation cause, you might need to take into account these precautionary measures. It's a good idea to search out out which varieties of meals that makes your rashes appear.
This should also assist to your itch. A natural lotion of some form can also be good to put on. Be extremely cautious of what you put on on your penis. Attempt to avoid chemicals of all varieties.
Before making use of something to your penis, be pretty sure that it doesn't contain ethanol. Many ointments do.
Penile eczema is terrible sure, but you ought to focus on understanding the cause of eczema. Next you will be able to begin to take care of that root cause.
The elemental cause of all eczema is intertwined with the digestive system. It has to do with food regimen and chronic constipation and digestive problems.

The Effects of Smoking on the Lungs: Emphysema

The Effects of Smoking on the Lungs: Emphysema
Many people believe that emphysema is a disease that only affects older people who smoke. Certainly, most symptomatic cases of emphysema are in older people, however the damage that eventually leads to symptomatic lung disease begins soon after starting smoking.
What is Emphysema? Emphysema, along with chronic bronchitis, is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
To understand what is going wrong with the lungs in emphysema, it is helpful to understand how the lungs normally work.
Your lungs are made up of thousands of tiny little air sacs called alveoli.
When your lungs expand as you breathe in, these alveoli expand like tiny little latex balloons. Oxygen from the air passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream.
Your diaphragm muscle contracts to expand the chest when you breathe in pulling air into the lungs, but when you breathe out, the natural elasticity of the lungs automatically push the air out of the alveoli without any muscular effort.
Think of a blown-up balloon. When you let go of it, all the air is expelled from it rather quickly and automatically due to the elasticity of the latex in the balloon.
In people with emphysema, the elastic tissue surrounding the alveoli is damaged, generally by cigarette smoke. The lungs are no longer able to expel the air automatically, and air gets "trapped" in the lungs.
Think of a balloon that has been blown up too many times. It's flabby and doesn't completely deflate when you let it go. This is essentially what the lungs of a person with emphysema are like.
People with emphysema tend to be "barrel chested" because they cannot breathe out as much air from their lungs as normal people.
Sometimes these enlarged alveoli will combine together to form larger sacs called blebs. These blebs can rupture, leading to much pain and sometimes a dangerous condition called a pneumothorax.
Emphysema also makes breathing difficult in another way. The damaged lining of the alveoli doesn't allow the oxygen to pass through to the blood stream as easily. Some people with emphysema require supplemental oxygen to keep their blood oxygen levels in the normal range.
People with emphysema often breathe out through pursed lips. This helps to apply air pressure back into the lungs while they are breathing out, inflating the alveoli more fully which allows more oxygen to pass into the bloodstream

The Effects of Smoking on the Lungs: Emphysema

The Effects of Smoking on the Lungs: Emphysema
Many people believe that emphysema is a disease that only affects older people who smoke. Certainly, most symptomatic cases of emphysema are in older people, however the damage that eventually leads to symptomatic lung disease begins soon after starting smoking.
What is Emphysema? Emphysema, along with chronic bronchitis, is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
To understand what is going wrong with the lungs in emphysema, it is helpful to understand how the lungs normally work.
Your lungs are made up of thousands of tiny little air sacs called alveoli.
When your lungs expand as you breathe in, these alveoli expand like tiny little latex balloons. Oxygen from the air passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream.
Your diaphragm muscle contracts to expand the chest when you breathe in pulling air into the lungs, but when you breathe out, the natural elasticity of the lungs automatically push the air out of the alveoli without any muscular effort.
Think of a blown-up balloon. When you let go of it, all the air is expelled from it rather quickly and automatically due to the elasticity of the latex in the balloon.
In people with emphysema, the elastic tissue surrounding the alveoli is damaged, generally by cigarette smoke. The lungs are no longer able to expel the air automatically, and air gets "trapped" in the lungs.
Think of a balloon that has been blown up too many times. It's flabby and doesn't completely deflate when you let it go. This is essentially what the lungs of a person with emphysema are like.
People with emphysema tend to be "barrel chested" because they cannot breathe out as much air from their lungs as normal people.
Sometimes these enlarged alveoli will combine together to form larger sacs called blebs. These blebs can rupture, leading to much pain and sometimes a dangerous condition called a pneumothorax.
Emphysema also makes breathing difficult in another way. The damaged lining of the alveoli doesn't allow the oxygen to pass through to the blood stream as easily. Some people with emphysema require supplemental oxygen to keep their blood oxygen levels in the normal range.
People with emphysema often breathe out through pursed lips. This helps to apply air pressure back into the lungs while they are breathing out, inflating the alveoli more fully which allows more oxygen to pass into the bloodstream