Monday 26 September 2011

Graves Disease Causes and Cures

Graves Disease Causes and Cures

It was perhaps even tougher for me, as I'm a holistic doctor that not only believes that there is a cause for every condition, but in most cases there also is a cure. And while there isn't a magic pill or supplement to cure Graves Disease, for many people it is possible to restore one's health through a natural treatment protocol. I'll briefly discuss this later in this article.
But first, here are some of the different Graves Disease causes:
Graves Disease Cause #1: inability to handle stress. Although most people know that stress can cause a lot of problems, most don't truly understand the impact that chronic stress can have on one's health over a period of many months or years. Our bodies were designed to handle acute stress situations, but not with chronic stress. As a result, a person who deals with chronic stress and does a poor job of managing it will most likely develop adrenal issues, which in turn can affect immunity, and over a period of time can lead to the development of an autoimmune condition.
Obviously it is not possible to completely eliminate the stress from your life. But most of us can do a much better job of handling stress. In fact, for anyone with Graves' Disease looking to restore their health, stress management is a key component.
Graves Disease Cause #2: Nutritional deficiencies. Having one or more nutritional deficiencies can cause or contribute to Graves Disease. There are many different nutritional deficiencies one can have, but two of the more common ones are iodine and Vitamin D. Many people wrongly assume that people with Graves' Disease have an excess of iodine, but this usually isn't the case. For more information on the importance of iodine and why most people are deficient in it, I highly recommend reading the book "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It".
Vitamin D is another important nutrient when it comes to immunity. One of the big reasons many people are deficient in vitamin D is because they avoid the sun, and/or put sunscreen on every time they go outside. For more information about vitamin D, visit the website vitamindcouncil.

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