Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer
There are many risk factors for kidney cancer. Among a few of the top risks are smoking, an inactive life style, exposure to chemicals at home or where you work, being overweight and family history. There are other risk factors that can lead to kidney cancer also, such as, high blood pressure, taking diuretics, race, gender and certain medications. The thing to remember is just because risk factors are present does not mean the disease will form. Risk factors give the physician a better idea on how to assess symptoms and how closely to watch a patient. A patient with a higher amount of risk factors will be watched more closely when symptoms of the disease arise than those without risk factors.
It is also important to know risk factors to help aid in preventing the disease from occurring. If there are risk factors you can prevent such as smoking or increasing vitamin intake, you maybe able to help lower your chance of getting the disease. If you stop smoking, the chances of you contracting kidney cancer are greatly reduced by as much as 40%.
Some risk factors can not be avoided; such as genetic factors. As with many forms of kidney cancer, losing weight and maintaining daily exercise will definitely help your cause. Obesity is the most common reason for adult onset diabetes and juvenile diabetes, causing the need for dialysis or kidney failure. Dialysis is inevitable in most patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Among these common risk factors are also Tuberous Sclerosis, Von Hippel Lindau disease and low vitamin E intake. Von Hippel-Lindau disease is a disease of tumors, which cause complications in the nervous system. It causes continuous growth of tumors in the brain; causing problems with common things like walking, vision loss and retinal problems. It also causes tumors in the kidneys and pancreas. Von Hippel Lindau disease in very rare and is found in only 1 of 36,000 cases and commonly diagnosed in the mid to upper twenties. Symptoms of the disease are mostly finding multiple tumors in common areas, or one tumor in named areas and a definite family history of the disease.
It is also important to know risk factors to help aid in preventing the disease from occurring. If there are risk factors you can prevent such as smoking or increasing vitamin intake, you maybe able to help lower your chance of getting the disease. If you stop smoking, the chances of you contracting kidney cancer are greatly reduced by as much as 40%.
Some risk factors can not be avoided; such as genetic factors. As with many forms of kidney cancer, losing weight and maintaining daily exercise will definitely help your cause. Obesity is the most common reason for adult onset diabetes and juvenile diabetes, causing the need for dialysis or kidney failure. Dialysis is inevitable in most patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Among these common risk factors are also Tuberous Sclerosis, Von Hippel Lindau disease and low vitamin E intake. Von Hippel-Lindau disease is a disease of tumors, which cause complications in the nervous system. It causes continuous growth of tumors in the brain; causing problems with common things like walking, vision loss and retinal problems. It also causes tumors in the kidneys and pancreas. Von Hippel Lindau disease in very rare and is found in only 1 of 36,000 cases and commonly diagnosed in the mid to upper twenties. Symptoms of the disease are mostly finding multiple tumors in common areas, or one tumor in named areas and a definite family history of the disease.