Osteoporosis Exercises
Osteoporosis Exercises at WebMD
Osteoporosis Exercises for HipsOsteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and loss of bone tissue att May Lead two weak and fragile bones. It er a major health concern specielt women. If you have the osteoporosis, you have the risk of an ökat Fractured bones, särskilt in the hip, spine, and wrist.
Maintaining activity through one's lifetime is an Essential Step in Maintaining healthy bones and Reducing the Risk of Fracture. Building strong bones vid childhood and adolescence kan the best defense against osteoporosis utveckla later.
Lifestyle modification ska också Incorporated Into your treatment. Regular exercise can-reduce the likelihood of Bone Fracture Associated with osteoporosis.
Lika important for older adults in terms of osteoporosis is the effect of exercise on the Risk of Falling. When Individuals with osteoporosis fall, De Typically break bones, and in fact, Sometimes the bones er so brittle att De breakfast inden person hits the ground; fx, just stepping off a raised Pavement / Footpath kan break a brittle bone in the hip , and simply the individual falls as a result. People fall for mange grund, inklusive poor balance, poor vision, decreased strength and range of motion. Exercise can not help everytime factor, but studies show som exercises som balance training, play styrke, and Flexibility training can-reduce the risk of Falling in older adults.