Bee propolis is being eyed as a promising cancer treatment as studies on its effects on cancer patients start to multiply. Clinical trials, albeit in its early stages, have shown that the natural propolis taken from bees halted the growth of neurofibromatosis tumor growths. Neurofibromatosis is a condition which affects our genes and produces skin patches the color of coffee. It produces tumors on nerve tissue and can grow on any part of the body like the brain and spinal cord.
Neurofibromatosis is said to be responsible for 70% of human cancers and affects one in every 3000 people.
Scientists from Universitaets Klinikum Eppendorf in Germany have found that propolis is an anti-PAK1 substance. PAK1 is a human gene that is necessary for the growth of tumors called NF1 and NF2. Bee propolis has anticancer substances called caffeic acid phenethyl ester(CAPE) and artepilin C (ARC) which blocks PAK1 signaling pathways. CAPE which is found in natural foods are found in unusual quantities in bee propolis. The NF1 and NF2 tumors were suppressed by the properties in propolis and even encouraged regression of NF2 tumors.
Medical jouranls have progressively documented more and more cases and studies where propolis shows signs of treating conditions and diseases that were once only treatble through dangerous prescription drugs. More studies have also shown that bee propolis is also effective in treating cancers in the larynx. It was even shown to cut off blood supply from growing tumors, halting their growth.
With the undeniable evidence of positive propolis based treatments mounting, this remarkable substance also being considered in PAK1-related diseases such as AIDS and Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome.
Truly, the unique properties found in the honeyee's propolis turn it into a multi-purpose medicine kit that nature provides to combat diseases and cancers that plague human society. Each medical journal and research is valuable in shedding light as to how far bee propolis can be made as a medicinal treatment. But one thing is for sure, it should not be relegated as a "folk remedy." Science is finally opening its eyes to alternative therapies and for sure, bee propolis tops the list.
Neurofibromatosis is said to be responsible for 70% of human cancers and affects one in every 3000 people.
Scientists from Universitaets Klinikum Eppendorf in Germany have found that propolis is an anti-PAK1 substance. PAK1 is a human gene that is necessary for the growth of tumors called NF1 and NF2. Bee propolis has anticancer substances called caffeic acid phenethyl ester(CAPE) and artepilin C (ARC) which blocks PAK1 signaling pathways. CAPE which is found in natural foods are found in unusual quantities in bee propolis. The NF1 and NF2 tumors were suppressed by the properties in propolis and even encouraged regression of NF2 tumors.
Medical jouranls have progressively documented more and more cases and studies where propolis shows signs of treating conditions and diseases that were once only treatble through dangerous prescription drugs. More studies have also shown that bee propolis is also effective in treating cancers in the larynx. It was even shown to cut off blood supply from growing tumors, halting their growth.
With the undeniable evidence of positive propolis based treatments mounting, this remarkable substance also being considered in PAK1-related diseases such as AIDS and Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome.
Truly, the unique properties found in the honeyee's propolis turn it into a multi-purpose medicine kit that nature provides to combat diseases and cancers that plague human society. Each medical journal and research is valuable in shedding light as to how far bee propolis can be made as a medicinal treatment. But one thing is for sure, it should not be relegated as a "folk remedy." Science is finally opening its eyes to alternative therapies and for sure, bee propolis tops the list.