Saturday 22 October 2011

How To Improve Your Memory - 3 Simple Tips To Follow

How To Improve Your Memory - 3 Simple Tips To Follow

Our brains are extremely complex. Computers ain't got nothing on your brain. Our brains are more advanced then any computer that has been and will ever be invented. But not only is it complex, it is also extremely powerful. You brain can adapt, alter and change in amazing ways. But when it comes to improving your memory, its all about health. The health of your brain directly reflects how strong your memory is. So here are 3 simple things that will help you improve your memory and keep it going strong well into your old age.
Tip #1 - Get Plenty Of Exercise And Rest
Tip #2 - Have A Good Laugh As Often As You Can
Tip #3 - Avoid Stress

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Cluster Headaches

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are rare headaches that often occur in groups or clusters and are frequently associated with drooping eyelids, red, watery eyes and nasal congestion on the affected side of the face. This is also characterized by severe headaches of piercing quality near one eye or temple that last for between fifteen minutes to three hours.
Victims of this condition do not only feel an intense pain, but also experience disabling effects and impacts on emotions, marriage, finances and other obligations at school or work. This also diminishes the quality of the patient's life, that is why one should find a remedy and undergo treatment as early as possible.

Monday 17 October 2011

Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic Care

Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic Care

Migraine headaches affect millions of people on a daily basis. Females are affected twice as often as males and headaches usually begin around the onset of puberty but can vary. There does seem to be a genetic predisposition in families especially seen in females in a family. This category of headaches is typically broken down into to subcategories: Migraine headaches accompanied by an aura (Classical Migraine), and those without an aura (Common Migraines). Common migraines constitute the overall majority of migraine sufferers with about 80% of the cases whereas classical migraine sufferers make up the minority with about 20% of the cases. Most people commonly associate an aura with a migraine when discussing these headaches but it is not the norm statistically.
The aura leads up to the headache and is a nervous system reaction that typically involves the sensory system. Auras can be visual, auditory, sensory, and even motor. The most common visual aura is a visual change known as a scintillating scotoma which appears as a hazy spot in the central field of gaze followed by a patterned light that expands. The second most common aura is the pins and needles sensory feeling called paresthesia that can start in the hands or feet and radiate upward through the limbs to the face. Other common associated conditions include sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). The pain associated with the headache itself is usually graded as moderate to severe and is usually described as throbbing. The most common location for the pain is the frontal and temporal regions of the skull and in the area of the eyes but it can vary per case. The pain is typically one sided or unilateral and will build over the course of a few hours to become widespread and diffuse. The pain can last any where from 1-2 hours to more than a day depending on the severity of the episode. Nausea, vomiting, pallor, clamminess, and muscle aches can accompany the migraine as well.

3 Headache Types

3 Headache Types

* Migraine Headaches - 25% of all headaches experienced by people are migraines and most are experienced by women. Migraines tend to have a genetic element with over 70% of sufferers having a history of having migraines in their families. The pain itself is often described as a deep, throbbing sensation which is very intense and normally it affects one side of the head. It can be incapacitating and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a numbness to the side of the face and a sensitivity to light, movement and noise. Migraines are unpredictable, they may last anything from four hours to two or three days and may occur a few times a week to some people or only once every couple of years to others.
* Cluster Headaches - A sudden, sharp excruciating pain is often associated with cluster headaches which usually occur at night. This pain is usually felt just behind the eye and may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea. The sufferer's nose may also feel blocked and start to run and their eyes may start to weep from the side. Men suffer this type of headache more often than women, and although it's not known for certain what causes these headaches smokers and those that drink heavily tend to be more prone to them.
* Tension Headaches - Tension headaches are the most common of all these headaches as they occur in 70% of all instances. 69% of men will experience tension headaches at some point in their lifetime. Compared to the other to headache types the pain of a tension headache is described as mild to moderate and may last from 30 minutes to anything up to a week. The pain is difficult to pinpoint and can be felt right through the head rather than one particular area.

Concussion Symptoms - Headache, Drowsy, Confusion, Loss of Consciousness

Concussion Symptoms - Headache, Drowsy, Confusion, Loss of Consciousness

Diagnosis of a concussion will be based on observation of the aforementioned symptoms following trauma to the head and possibly an evaluation by a physician. The evaluation may include a physical exam, x-rays, and a CT scan or MRI of the head or neck. Additional test may be ordered including an EEG (brain wave test) if seizures are involved, blood tests or analysis of cerebrospinal fluids.
Treatment will depend on the extend of the injury. First aid may be required if the injury is recent. Do not attempt to move a patient if neck or spine injury is suspected. Have the patient lie down quietly. A cold compress may be used to alleviate pain present in the head or neck. The patient should be observed (at a hospital if the condition is severe) for a least 24 hours following injury.

Bacterial Meningitis Symptoms

Bacterial Meningitis Symptoms

If we take a look at meningitis brought on by bacteria and the one triggered by a virus, we can say that the bacterial meningitis is much more dangerous. It is widely known that Bacterial meningitis is among the most frequent form of this disease and it also is a huge danger to the health and well being for the affected person. This illness will cause the tissues around the human brain to begin bloating and raises the probabilities for the individual to have paralysis and even stroke. Since meningitis is definitely a severe disease it's essential to know the actual signs and symptoms.
The period between the infection and the symptoms for the bacterial meningitis is often 2-3 days. There were times when the symptoms and signs have appeared a couple of hours right after the infection. Several of the symptoms of bacterial meningitis are generally temperature and head aches, but unfortunately a number of other conditions develop the described symptoms. But there's one indication that is unique for meningitis and that's a progressively improving firmness in your neck which may be so significant that it could result in significant difficulties. As for the different signs or symptoms we can mention the following: uncertainty, advancing sleepiness, being easily annoyed and perhaps, even stroke.

Encephalitis and Meningitis - What is the Difference?

Encephalitis and Meningitis - What is the Difference?

Encephalitis is a disease that occurs to your brain sometimes after having a viral infection, like the chickenpox, the flu, measles, mumps, Mono, and even cold sores. What it does is causes your brain to become inflamed. The swelling can lead to damaged nerve cells, bleeding in your brain, and eventually lead to brain damage.
Meningitis on the other hand is a disease that effects the tissues that are around the brain and the spinal cord. It is caused by either a viral or bacterial illness and creates inflammation in those tissues. It has been found to often follow things such as a sinus infection or in your infection, or in some instances a viral illness.

Saturday 15 October 2011

How Alzheimer's Disease Is Diagnosed

How Alzheimer's Disease Is Diagnosed

Alzheimer's disease is a condition in which the brain undergoes shrinkage in key areas, affecting memory, thinking and behavior. The symptoms progress so slowly that the changes are difficult to pinpoint over time, and it usually takes an outsider or a person that is not around the individual to suggest a doctor visit. It is classified as the most common form of dementia, which can interfere with daily life as it causes severe loss of intellectual capability and memory.
By taking the time to discover if an individual's inconvenient symptoms are truly caused by Alzheimer's, several things can be accomplished. Most importantly, the fear of the unknown will be destroyed. This fear causes anxiety in some patients and anger in others. If the time is taken to discuss the symptoms with a doctor, one of two things will be accomplished: the doctor will tell the patient that the symptoms are due to other causes or he will confirm that it is indeed Alzheimer's disease.

Infection of the Central Nervous System - Brain Abscess (Suppurative Encephalitis)

Infection of the Central Nervous System - Brain Abscess (Suppurative Encephalitis)

Diagnosis: In any patient having one of the underlying causes, features suggestive of meningitis, raised intracranial tension or focal neurological deficit should suggest the possibility or brain abscess. Lumbar puncture should not be routinely done in such cases since the risk or coning is high. Moreover the CSF may not show diagnostic changes in the case of localized abscess.
The diagnosis can be confirmed by CT Scan which should be done of an early stage. X-ray skull may give evidence of sinusitis and rarely gas in the abscess cavity, if the abscess is caused by gas-producing organisms or the abscess is communicating with the paranasal sinuses.
Course and prognosis: If left untreated, brain abscess is fatal. Complications include rupture into cerebral ventricles producing ventriculitis, meningitis, rise in intracranial tension and secondary epilepsy. If the abscess is diagnosed early and treated, full recovery may occur. Mortality is higher in brain abscess complicating congenital heart disease. The overall mortality in large series is 11-15%.

Blood Cancer - Causes and Treatment

Blood Cancer - Causes and Treatment

Blood is a part of the body. Blood has different components sch as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The red blood cells (RBC), platelets also called monocytes because it is belong to the "myeloid" group and other white blood cells belong to the "lymphoid" group. Lymphoid cells are affected. Disease progresses quickly. This is most common among children. Blood cancer or Leukemia is actually a group of diseases, each of which impede with the normal functioning of blood cells and progressively weaken the system. Leukemia is classified as either Acute or Chronic. Blood and urine samples may also be tested for various substances, called tumor markers, which may indicate cancer.
A weakened immune system - this may be a result of drugs that suppress the immune system (such as those used for organ transplants), high doses of radiation (such as in radiotherapy for another cancer), or diseases that affect the immune system (such as HIV).
In radio immunotherapy, an immunotoxin--a hybrid molecule formed by coupling an antibody molecule to a toxin--is injected into the patient.

What is a Bleeding Disorder and How it Can Be Treated?

What is a Bleeding Disorder and How it Can Be Treated?
Bleeding disorders refer to the situation, when the clotting system of human body becomes incapable of restraining blood from various body parts. For instance, the main body parts suffering from these disorders are nose and gums. Apart from this, menstrual bleeding in excessive amount is also a sign of bleeding disorder. Another type of bleeding disorder occurs, when cut and wound sites are not plugged by clotting process to disallow the flow of blood.
Causes of Bleeding Disorders
There can be two main causes of bleeding disorder:
1-You might inherit it from your ancestors, known as genetic cause.
2-Non-genetic causes can develop antibodies in your blood, which weaken the clotting system of blood and lead to bleeding disorders. Some of these causes include damage to red blood cells and blood vessels, liver disease or kidney failure, eclampsia after pregnancy, low platelets, vitamin K deficiency and excessive use of drugs like aspirin.
Three common bleeding disorders are hemophilia A, hemophilia B and von Willebrand Disease. While first two disorders are common with men, the last one can affect both genders.

Reasons of Blood Clotting and Nose Bleeding

Reasons of Blood Clotting and Nose Bleeding
Blood clotting is the body's way of stopping blood loss. When one gets a cut on the body with a knife or any other sharp object, blood vessels break and blood flows out. These blood vessels could either be an artery or a vein. If an artery has been cut, blood flows out stronger and faster as the pressure comes directly from the heart but if it's a vein then blood spills out slower. The human nose is one of the few parts of our body that has many nerves and blood vessels. It is exposed to dirt and pollutants that's why it produces mucus to filter these pollutants before they reach the airways and the lungs.
A minor cut is forms something like a knot around it. The blood gets exposed to the air so it gets thick and dries up. This has a double purpose, the knot traps blood cells from leaking out and at the same time it also prevents other particles from blending into the bloodstream. Nose bleeding that lasts for minutes can be caused by something more than booger scooping. The reason it bleeds is because blood vessels inside have ruptured through broken skin. Dryness inside may cause the skin to break.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Hyper coagulation has become a common ailment these days. Therefore it's vital to know what causes this problem. It happens due to an anomaly in the coagulation system. Such anomaly arises due to problems in the clotting factors. Blood clotting can cause serious issues. This coagulation can be caused by genetically acquired problems in clotting. This disease does not have any particular treatment, but continuous problems of this kind warrant a long term solution for coagulation.
The most prevalent symptoms of this ailment are pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The later occurs in legs and involves a lot of pain and inflammation of the limbs. The veins of the legs valves get destroyed due to heavy blood clotting which is responsible for clotting. This clot can also shift to legs. So, when blood clotting happens in lungs, it results in paucity of breath and huge pain in the chest.
This implies a huge risk of heart attack and chances of a stroke. Now, another clotting disorder called purpura fulminans, which happens in babies, causes the destruction of tissues and bleeding in the vital organs and skin. This kind of hypercoagulation occurs due to a lack of protein C in the child. Eventually, it prevents treatment with anti coagulant drugs like warfarin. When pregnant mothers suffer from hyper coagulation it can cause miscarriage. Other complications can also result during pregnancy apart from miscarriage like still birth, and intrauterine growth prohibition.

Anaemia - Symptoms and Treatment

Anaemia - Symptoms and Treatment
What is Anemia?
Anemia is the term given when the red blood cell count is lower than it should be. Rates vary for men and women. There are different types of anemia which can and do adversely affect various sections of the population.
Symptoms of Anemia
The following symptoms may or may not point to anemia as they can also relate to other medical conditions.
- Tiredness
- Dizziness
- Constant dry mouth
- Headaches
- Pallor
- Coldness
Please check with your doctor for an accurate diagnosis which should include a blood test.
Types of Anemia
Folate Deficiency - Megaloblastic Anemia
In order for red blood cells to grow and function properly, they need a steady supply of folic acid. This is generally obtained naturally through the eating of leafy green vegetables and a balanced diet.
When there is insufficient folic acid intake, our red blood cells can become enlarged and reduced in number. This condition is termed Folate Deficiency Anemia and / or megaloblastic anemia

Blood Diseases-Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Blood Diseases-Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Blood is the life-maintaining fluid that circulates through the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. Because the blood performs many and complex functions, there are many disorders related to blood that require clinical care by a physician or other health care professional. These conditions include anemia, bleeding disorders, as well as cancers of the blood.
Certain factors may cause Blood Disorders, disorders that affect the cells in the blood (blood cells) or proteins in the blood clotting or immune systems. Laboratory tests of blood samples are recommended to diagnose and monitor blood diseases. Because the liquid portion of the blood (plasma) carries so many substances essential to the functioning of the body, blood tests can be used to find out what is happening in many parts of the body.
There are a number of Blood Disorders prevailing these days. Some of them are Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Sepsis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hypoglycemia, Iron Deficiency Anemia and Leukemia.
Different type of Blood Disorder shows different symptom. Symptoms of blood disorders are often vague and nonspecific, that is, they could indicate a disorder of almost any part of the body. However, although no single symptom unmistakably indicates a blood disorder, certain groups of symptoms suggest the possibility. Such groups of symptoms most commonly relate to decrease in blood cells, such as a reduced number of red blood cells (anemia), a reduced number of white blood cells, a reduced number of platelets or increased numbers of blood cells.

Childhood Asthma

Childhood Asthma
Childhood asthma is characterized by the inflammation of the bronchial airways resulting to the production of excessive mucus, swelling and contraction of the respiratory muscles. The sudden change in the respiratory system obstructs the airways making breathing difficult. When this happens, your child will experience shortness of breath punctuated by coughing and wheezing. An asthma attack may be mild, moderate or severe. In any case, it would still be better if an asthma episode is prevented.
The cause of childhood asthma can not be pinpointed to a single factor. Many experts believe that childhood asthma is partially hereditary and have a strong allergic component. The inflammation of the airways may also be caused by allergy, airborne irritants or viral infections. A child with asthma might experience recurrent respiratory infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis. If your child coughs after a strenuous physical activity like running or crying, he should also be evaluated for asthma. Childhood asthma can cause a child to be irritable because of the discomfort from chest tightness and difficulty in breathing.
You would also be surprised that there is a condition called hidden asthma. This kind of childhood asthma is diagnosed by testing the child's pulmonary function. The child will exhibit only mild symptoms that are sometimes unrecognizable.

Definition of Adult Asthma

Definition of Adult Asthma
Asthma comes from the ancient Greek word meaning "to pant." An asthma attack suddenly occurs when the bronchial tubes in the lungs gets widespread inflammation. Within the lining of bronchial tubes is a membrane called bronchial mucosa. When patients expose themselves to common asthma triggers like pollen, dust or fumes, the membrane get inflamed and starts to redden and become swollen. The mucous glands within the bronchial lining get over-irritated and start to produce large quantity of mucus. The resulting effect is that air cannot flow in through the lungs as smoothly as before and the patient will begin to gasp for air
Adult asthma symptoms differ from person to person. Coughing and excessive mucus production may show the first sign of an attack. An adult may begin to sweat a lot and rapid breathing and heavy wheezing sound will occur. Sometimes, talking may be an insurmountable task if the breathlessness is severe enough. In extreme cases, the bronchial tubes can be so constricted that wheezing sounds is inaudible.
Many asthma cases are inherited from their own family members. Allergy induced asthma often occurred in families. Asthma is also increasing among the blacks and Hispanics in America. Patients who have asthma appear to have inherited specific genes from their family members and close relatives. Geneticist has noted a gene called ADAM33 which is responsible for making the bronchial tubes oversensitive.
Another gene called PFH11 can also increase the chances of an asthma attack occurring. The gene appears to control blood cells that produce Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These proteins lock onto the surface of mast cells which recognizes allergens. When these mast cells come into contact will the same allergens, the IgE proteins on the mast cells react with them. After which, the mast cell breaks apart and release chemicals causing an inflammation.
One type of asthma that is common among working adults is occupational asthma. Occupational asthma is an asthma that is triggered by a particular material in the workplace. The workplace is home to millions of allergens. Every year, new occupations are added to a growing list when agents that cause asthma are identified. For example, it has been noted that lower temperatures at air-conditioned offices lead to a drier atmosphere. A drier atmosphere is conducive for asthma attacks. Exposure to certain materials like textiles and grains activate the immune system to produce IgE. Stress during working is also known to activate asthma attacks.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women and the third most common cancer around the world. It can also occur, albeit rarely, in men. As with prostate cancer, rates are increasing globally, especially in developed countries. And this is where our clues to getting a handle on this illness begin-with environmental factors, especially diet. A woman's breast consists of glands that produce and secrete milk after the birth of a baby. The breast itself is made up of lobules (glands that make breast milk); ducts (tubes that connect the milk-producing glands to the nipple); and fatty, connective lymphatic tissue. Most lymphatic vessels of the breast lead to lymph nodes under the arm and are called axillary nodes. Most doctors believe that cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes has a chance of spreading to other organs, making immediate treatment necessary. Modern cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and drugs are slowly improving, but we're still attempting to fully understand the disease, especially in regard to preventive measures. However, we've gathered many valuable clues. Beyond Genetics We cannot change the genes we're born with, but, luckily they appear to play a minimal role in most cases of breast cancer. About 5 to 10 percent of cases can be blamed on genes passed from either a mother or a father to the next generation. On the other hand, if no one in your family has had cancer, it doesn't mean you are fully protected. Eight in ten women who develop breast cancer do not have a sister or a mother who has had it. With that in mind, it's wise for all women to protect themselves. Cancer of the breast is usually related to hormones, so all women, regardless of family history, will benefit from keeping hormone levels in check. Hormone preparations commonly given to women after menopause clearly increase the risk, so the non-drug methods for controlling hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms are much preferred. And, as you know by now, diet can have a dramatic effect on hormones. As fatty foods increase the amount of estrogen in the blood, breast cells are stimulated and divide. With every multiplication in cell number, the likelihood that one will turn cancerous increases, but this is easy to alter. By simply eating a low-fat diet of high-fiber vegetables, grains, and other natural plant foods, estrogen levels fall.

Kill Fleas and Bed Bugs Instantly and Naturally

Kill Fleas and Bed Bugs Instantly and Naturally

Are you tired of trying to fight fleas, and bed bugs this season?
"Living in the south", I am not sure if it's the weather this year, or the insects are just getting used to the normal chemicals we usually use to treat our home and yards. We prefer using natural products whenever possible, but trying to find a natural pesticide that actually works is very difficult.
There is however, some great alternatives that are all natural and 100% safe, not only to pets, but to humans. Even new born puppies and kittens, and nursing mothers. These products which are made from USDA grade oils, are clear and non-staining oils that can be applied to furniture, bedding, skin, and carpets. They also do not contain any harmful aerosol propellants.
When applying sprays for fleas and bed bugs pay close attention to dark areas, under beds, closets, in between cushions, under mattresses, beds and furniture. The female flea will seek out dark locations to lay their eggs.
For Pets:
Most of these natural products can be applied by simply spraying on pets coat liberally and rubbing in, being careful not to spray into pets eyes. The oils that are in these products actually suffocate the insects.
"Killing them instantly." These natural products come in a variety of different ingredients, make sure to check that there are no propellants added in the ingredients.
Spray all areas your pets frequently lay, or are around most of the time. Paying special attention to their bedding and carpet or rug areas.

Are you Suffering From Bacterial Vaginitis?

Are you Suffering From Bacterial Vaginitis?

Bacterial Vaginitis or yeast infection is something that almost 75% of women will get in their lifetime. Of courser it is not something that women want or need but the fact is that out of those 75% many of them will even get recurring bacterial vaginitis as well.
Of course there are ways to stop bacterial vaginitis. These are simple thing that you can change in your day-to-day habits that will help prevent bacterial vaginitis. Some of these might involve a lifestyle change others are just simple things like exercise and a little care.
One of the important things to do would be to abstain from sexual intercourse during your bacterial vaginitis episode. This is important because it will make sure you don't infect your partner but more importantly it will make sure he will not give it back to you.
Some other habits to change would be things like:
- The use of douches
- Feminine deodorants
- Scented feminine hygiene
- Scented pads
- Panty liners
- Tampons

Monday 10 October 2011

Cheilitis Glandularis Is a Common Developmental Anomaly

Cheilitis Glandularis Is a Common Developmental Anomaly

Cheilitis glandularis is a developmental anomaly, characterized by chronic enlargement of the labial salivary glands, which cause eversion of the lower lip and is commonly seen among young males. Clinically, the labial glands become nodular and hard, having studded with red openings on the mucosal surface, that exude viscous mucus.
The exact cause of the disease is unknown, however heredity and exposure to sun, dust, wind or tobacco, etc. may play some role in its pathogenesis.
The histologic section of the lesion under microscope reveals hyperplasia of the salivary glands, with infiltration by plasma cells and lymphocytes. No specific treatment is available for this disease and the usual practice is to use some protective ointments. But as the lesion is considered as a precancerous one, vermiionectomy may sometimes be considered.
Cheilitis granulomatosa is a chronic granulomatous condition, characterized clinically by soft, painless, nonpitting swelling of the lower lip. In some cases, the lip lesions may also present scaling, fissuring, cracking or vesiculation, etc. Cheilitis granulomatosa is sometimes considered to be the milder form of "Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome".
Microscopy shows a noncascjp graiiuloma with epithelioid cells and Langhan cells, within the connective tissue stroma. Perivasive and paravascular aggregation of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes are also common. There is no specific treatment for this condition.