Saturday, 29 October 2011

Symptoms of Internal Haemorrhoids 2022

Symptoms of Internal Haemorrhoids
The symptoms of internal haemorrhoids are somewhat similar with external ones. The problem is that they are not visible since they develop inside the anus. The most common indication for this is bleeding during and after bowel movement. Once bleeding occurs, you need to consult your doctor and have yourself treated. Bleeding is a serious problem and it can even be an indication of a worse condition such as cancer. You will also feel pain and irritation but since you cannot feel them, you may not really know where it's coming from. Internal haemorrhoids can eventually move out of your system and become external.

Symptoms of External Haemorrhoids

Symptoms of External Haemorrhoids

There are two types of haemorrhoids- internal and external. Let's talk about external haemorrhoids first. External haemorrhoids are visible since they develop outside the rectum. They can be seen as swollen veins that are also painful, itchy and irritating. It is extremely difficult to live with external haemorrhoids since you will most likely uncomfortable every time you pass a stool. Some people even feel pain every time they try to sit. When too much pressure is applied, external haemorrhoids can be ruptured causing it to bleed.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Osteoporosis Exercises | Osteoporosis Exercises at WebMD | Osteoporosis Exercises for Hips

Osteoporosis Exercises

Osteoporosis Exercises at WebMD

Osteoporosis Exercises for Hips
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and loss of bone tissue att May Lead two weak and fragile bones. It er a major health concern specielt women. If you have the osteoporosis, you have the risk of an ökat Fractured bones, särskilt in the hip, spine, and wrist.

Maintaining activity through one's lifetime is an Essential Step in Maintaining healthy bones and Reducing the Risk of Fracture. Building strong bones vid childhood and adolescence kan the best defense against osteoporosis utveckla later.

Lifestyle modification ska också Incorporated Into your treatment. Regular exercise can-reduce the likelihood of Bone Fracture Associated with osteoporosis.

Lika important for older adults in terms of osteoporosis is the effect of exercise on the Risk of Falling. When Individuals with osteoporosis fall, De Typically break bones, and in fact, Sometimes the bones er so brittle att De breakfast inden person hits the ground; fx, just stepping off a raised Pavement / Footpath kan break a brittle bone in the hip , and simply the individual falls as a result. People fall for mange grund, inklusive poor balance, poor vision, decreased strength and range of motion. Exercise can not help everytime factor, but studies show som exercises som balance training, play styrke, and Flexibility training can-reduce the risk of Falling in older adults.

Osteoporosis | Osteoporosis Exercises | Osteoporosis Treatment


Osteoporosis Exercises

Osteoporosis Treatment
Ever since I was a child I kept on wondering why I need to have a daily glass of milk When I was already eating a healthy diet. My mother would tell me that milk is highly rich in vitamins and minerals can make my bones will Stronger for me to do all the things I love.

Those during times, all that matters to me is to play outdoors so I just follow my mother's orders and drink my milk without any hesitation. However, now that I am an adult, I Ngawi that drinking milk is not only beneficial for the younger ones, but to every individual at all Ages. I come to realize that as a person grows older, his or her bones become weaker and less Dense Naturally, making prototypes more prone to breakage. Building Stronger bones Should be conducted during early life, before one turns 19 or so, as When a person grows older, there are Lesser Chances to produce high quality bone tissue.

Decrease of bone density can give rise to a disease known as osteoporosis. People with this disease have decreased bone strength, making prototypes more Fragile and prone to breakage. Believe it or not, osteoporosis can cause abnormally porous bones that are compressible as a sponge. This skeleton makes the bones weaker disorder and can also result to fractures in the bone. Such breaks can normally occur in the Wrist, hips and spine. This disease is known to be a silent killer as one will not know Whether he or she already has it as the symptoms will not occur unless the condition is already in a bad condition.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Symptoms of Haemorrhoids - What Are the Most Common Signs?

Symptoms of Haemorrhoids - What Are the Most Common Signs?

What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids? Haemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area which are often accompanied by pain, itchiness and irritation. This is caused by several factors such as constipation, diarrhea, and old age among others.
Anyone can develop haemorrhoids. Even children can have this if they are not properly taken care of. Pregnant women are also more prone to develop this condition due to the hormonal changes that pregnancy does to her body. Haemorrhoids are not actually deadly but they can be very bothersome and uncomfortable. This is the reason why you need to get treated as soon as possible.

Causes of Constipation

Causes of Constipation

When you are constipated, your bowel doesn't function the way it should. Constipation is rarely caused by some structural issues. Here are the most typical causes of constipation:
- The lack of fiber and water in your diet
- Too much dairy products like cheese and milk
- Psychological reasons, such as stress, eating disorder, and depression. Irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy can also be the culprits of constipation.
- Long periods of sitting
- Lack of exercise or mobility

Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors

Constipation is very bothersome condition and it can be rather embarrassing for the sufferer. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced it at some point of our lives.

Even though it can affect individuals in both genders, it is somewhat more common among women. The reason for this is that a woman's body has to go through several changes during her life, such as pregnancy and menopause.

Digestive System Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Digestive System Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Conditions which affect the stomach, esophagus, bowel, colon, liver or pancreas are considered digestive system diseases and disorders. Many people wonder about nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and emotional trauma may all aggravate symptoms, but it is unclear whether any of these cause digestive system diseases and disorders. In fact, in most digestive system diseases and disorders the causes are unclear. There are only theories about what the causes may be and what may worsen the conditions or aggravate symptoms.
There are many digestive system diseases and disorders. Some are very common and easily treated, while some are more serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are some nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract. These are sometimes classified as symptoms or related conditions and sometimes as possible causes of digestive system diseases and disorders, because in some cases it is unclear which came first, the digestive disorder or the nervous disorder.

Depression and Suicide - How to Stop Suicidal Thoughts

Depression and Suicide - How to Stop Suicidal Thoughts

If you are thinking about committing suicide, you have to block these thoughts, because they come from the wild side of your brain, which is violent, immoral and absurd, because it is animal.
You are a violent primate with a very tiny human conscience that makes you somehow human in a few aspects.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Secret of Postnatal Depression

The Secret of Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression is commonly referred to a postpartum depression. It affects both men and women, for different reasons, but is more commonly remembered as a condition that many new moms go through. Women usually find the disorder occurs due to a sudden change in hormones while men will find it occurs due to a sudden change in lifestyle.
There are many feelings that will be experienced while a man or woman is going through postnatal depression. Some will have a fear of not being able to care or provide for the infant while others will feel resentment for the baby changing their lives so much. This is commonly the reason why parents do not like talking to each other or their friends about their feelings; they fear that the other parent or the friends will not understand their feelings and will judge them.

Residential Drug Treatments

Residential Drug Treatments

Drug abuse or addiction is a slow process. To begin with, these substances seem to give the user much-needed relief from worries, and unusual pleasure. This is a sort of escapism from real-life challenges. Slowly but steadily, pleasure gives way to craving or desperation. Further, this becomes a permanent state of a person's mind, and by then he would have been completely enslaved by the drug. Lee Bickmore says, "Comfort comes as a guest, lingers to become a host, and stays to enslave."

Drug treatments come in various packages and can be tailored to suit every patient. Most of the drug treatment centers offer the facility of inpatient, outpatient, or residential drug treatment centers. It is up to the patient to choose the most convenient and suitable for him or her.

Childhood Depression

Childhood Depression
Childhood depression is a very real but sometimes elusive illness that affects the young today. We take a look at what it actually means and how unity and support in the family can help fight its hold over a child.
At the recently concluded Asia Pacific Suicide Prevention Convention 2006, we learnt a few startling facts about children and suicide. For example, in a worldwide survey, 7.3% to 38% of the children surveyed demonstrated suicide ideation, which is the idea of wanting to kill themselves. In Singapore, close to 4.7% of children entertain this morbid thought. While the figure may be alarming, there is no need to panic as it is actually not uncommon to think about suicide.

Elderly Care - Aged and Elderly Depression

Elderly Care - Aged and Elderly Depression
Very often depression in the aged is not reported and treated due to the social stigma attached with this condition or due to plain ignorance on part of the family of the elderly person. This not only doesn't help them, but can worsen their condition and make them susceptible to other ailments... including sometimes suicide. Also, elderly depression can occur due to the death of a spouse...which increases lonliness. Also, side-effects from certain medicines or due to certain long-term illnesses like diabetes and arthritis can have a profound effect on depression. The depression must be treated as soon as possible.

Adult Depression and Childhood Abuse

Adult Depression and Childhood Abuse
Depression runs in families. So does abuse. "Studies show that one in four girls and one in eight boys are sexually abused before the age of 18, and one in twenty children are physically abused each year." But sexual and emotional abuse, in particular, is woefully under reported. Most abused children grow up in an atmosphere of denial - denial by the adults around them and, for the most part, denial within themselves as a means of survival. Ultimately it is the secrecy around the abuse that helps to foster the depression. Additionally, neurobiology has expanded our understanding of how emotions affect brain chemistry. Traumatic events - such as any form of childhood abuse (sexual, emotional, physical) or neglect, changes the chemistry of the brain. These events can reshape wiring patterns and reset responses to them so that even a small degree of stress can produce an overabundance of stress hormones that in turn create anxiety and depression.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Common Symptoms Of Adolescent Depression

Common Symptoms Of Adolescent Depression

There are a number of signs that point in the direction of an adolescent having adolescent depression. These symptoms include changes in appetite, changes in sleep pattern, loss of involvement in normally popular activities, irritableness and sometimes unreasonable reaction to frustration and last but most certainly not least, statements of despair.
Changes in appetite or in eating pattern are a common and pretty strong sign of adolescent depression. In fact, it's among the key symptoms. More specific, the symptoms may be eating too much, eating too little, or even not eating altogether for a prolonged period of time. These signs of adolescent depression should not be mistaken for an eating disorder. However, sometimes these key symptoms could evolve into more neurotic behaviors, particularly whenever the patient starts to feel better after a change in diet.
Much like changes in appetite or in eating pattern, changes in sleep and in sleep pattern are also characteristics of adolescent depression though the behavior varies from person to person. Nevertheless, a drastic change in sleep behavior without any rational reason whatsoever should be considered to be a pretty strong and not to be neglected pointer.
There are a number of signs that point in the direction of an adolescent having adolescent depression. These symptoms include changes in appetite, changes in sleep pattern, loss of involvement in normally popular activities, irritableness and sometimes unreasonable reaction to frustration and last but most certainly not least, statements of despair.
Changes in appetite or in eating pattern are a common and pretty strong sign of adolescent depression. In fact, it's among the key symptoms. More specific, the symptoms may be eating too much, eating too little, or even not eating altogether for a prolonged period of time. These signs of adolescent depression should not be mistaken for an eating disorder. However, sometimes these key symptoms could evolve into more neurotic behaviors, particularly whenever the patient starts to feel better after a change in diet.
Much like changes in appetite or in eating pattern, changes in sleep and in sleep pattern are also characteristics of adolescent depression though the behavior varies from person to person. Nevertheless, a drastic change in sleep behavior without any rational reason whatsoever should be considered to be a pretty strong and not to be neglected pointer.

Depression and Genetic Predisposition

Depression and Genetic Predisposition

Depression and Genetic Predisposition: Can depression be genetic? I find the articles of most interest to be those that seem to be making a lot of progress in the study of genetics and mental illness including a genetic link to ADHD. Even though these studies are in the very early stages, they shed some new light on mental illness and "maybe" some promise of a break through down the road. Depression and genetic predisposition is in the forefront of many studies today. Can depression be genetic or is depression genetically inherited are questions that are often asked of me. Is there a suicide gene? Certain studies have claimed to isolate parts of the brain and genes that may be responsible for depression; and other articles claim that the environment can alter the genes which would give someone a predisposition to depression or other mental illnesses. Still other research has claimed that toxins or deficiencies or a plethora of vitamins in early development can also lead to mental illness.
To say that the cause of an illness of any sort is genetic is somewhat of a vacuous answer. We can then ask what was the cause of the illness in the ancestor that passed this gene along; and on and on we go. Somewhere in the family of origin, somebody had to be the "prime cause" or "first cause" that introduced this illness to the family gene pool. Now the question of whether the prime cause was a gene mutation or environmental issue cannot be avoided. This also entails another issue viz. if mental illness is initially introduced to a particular gene pool by means other than DNA, then of logical necessity-mental illness can still be caused by factors other than DNA. The question then becomes, what are some of the possible causes of mental illness, are they biological, genetic mutations, environmental stressors, toxins...

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease

The onset of Parkinson's disease is usually between the ages of 50 and 70. The difference in incidence between men and women is not statistically significant. While the symptoms are certainly troublesome and can eventually result in the total loss of mobility, death as a direct result of Parkinson's disease is uncommon and the life expectancy for a Parkinson's patient has over the last decade or so grown very close to that of the population in general.
The most common and usually first obvious symptom of Parkinson's disease is a tremor. The tremor is often observed in the hand and lower arm but tremors of the leg are also quite common. There is a large variation from patient to patient as to where in the body the tremor appears. Early in the disease process the tremor often decreases substantially with muscle activity. For example the tremor will often decrease or appear to go away when a patient reaches for an object. Once the hand is back at rest the tremor will return. It is also unusual to see any tremors during sleep.

Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Signs of Multiple Sclerosis vary depending on the patient, how long they have had the disease and how well they are responding to treatment. Sometimes early signs can go unnoticed or mistaken for another physical condition. Numbness, tingling, pain or tremors in various body parts or on different sides of the body are common early signs of MS.
Double vision, blurry vision, lack of balance and coordination, or partial or full loss of vision also often occurs in patients with MS. Fatigue and dizziness are also signs of MS, but are such broad symptoms that they may be overlooked, especially in the early stages, unless a physician who is experienced in compiling symptoms for MS is able to detect it.