Monday 10 October 2011



Bee propolis is being eyed as a promising cancer treatment as studies on its effects on cancer patients start to multiply. Clinical trials, albeit in its early stages, have shown that the natural propolis taken from bees halted the growth of neurofibromatosis tumor growths. Neurofibromatosis is a condition which affects our genes and produces skin patches the color of coffee. It produces tumors on nerve tissue and can grow on any part of the body like the brain and spinal cord.
Neurofibromatosis is said to be responsible for 70% of human cancers and affects one in every 3000 people.
Scientists from Universitaets Klinikum Eppendorf in Germany have found that propolis is an anti-PAK1 substance. PAK1 is a human gene that is necessary for the growth of tumors called NF1 and NF2. Bee propolis has anticancer substances called caffeic acid phenethyl ester(CAPE) and artepilin C (ARC) which blocks PAK1 signaling pathways. CAPE which is found in natural foods are found in unusual quantities in bee propolis. The NF1 and NF2 tumors were suppressed by the properties in propolis and even encouraged regression of NF2 tumors.
Medical jouranls have progressively documented more and more cases and studies where propolis shows signs of treating conditions and diseases that were once only treatble through dangerous prescription drugs. More studies have also shown that bee propolis is also effective in treating cancers in the larynx. It was even shown to cut off blood supply from growing tumors, halting their growth.
With the undeniable evidence of positive propolis based treatments mounting, this remarkable substance also being considered in PAK1-related diseases such as AIDS and Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome.
Truly, the unique properties found in the honeyee's propolis turn it into a multi-purpose medicine kit that nature provides to combat diseases and cancers that plague human society. Each medical journal and research is valuable in shedding light as to how far bee propolis can be made as a medicinal treatment. But one thing is for sure, it should not be relegated as a "folk remedy." Science is finally opening its eyes to alternative therapies and for sure, bee propolis tops the list.

Spring Allergy Cures You Can Do at Home

Spring Allergy Cures You Can Do at Home
Spring brings about allergyare due to the pollen coming out from trees during the pollinating season, usually from January to April, which is springtime. Most of the trees that bring these allergy responses include olive, elm, hickory, birch, oak, poplar, maple, walnut, and cypress. These pollens can be carried by the wind to a distant area and the density is highest between 5AM to 10AM. Spring allergy cures could not be done instantly, but there are certain ways to avoid getting them or to boost resistance against them.
Symptoms like runny nose and itchy eyes are actually the result of the battle between the antibodies (body's protection against unwanted organisms) and allergens (the main component that triggers different forms of allergies). When the pollen infiltrates the body by mixing with the air we breathe, the immune system mistakenly sees it as a form of bacteria or virus, thus releasing the antibodies. The situation leads to the release of histamines into the blood, triggering different symptoms of allergies, and thus how spring allergies are developed.
Allergies can sometimes lead to asthma, a condition in which the air passages narrow, leading to shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. It is a good thing there are precautions that can be done to prevent or relieve the symptoms of spring allergies.
Home Remedies:
• Always keep the doors and windows of the home closed especially during the period when the density of pollens in the air is at peak (5AM to 10AM). Using air conditioning system to keep outdoor air from entering is one thing to do to avoid aggrivating your allergies.
• Limit outdoor activities during springtime especially early in the morning. This is the time when the probability of being affected with allergies is the greatest. Moving the scheduled task from the morning to the afternoon would be a great solution.
• Make it a habit to keep the windows of the car up when travelling. You may not want to let the dust, mold, and pollens to enter, since they are the primary cause of allergies.
• Using over-the-counter antihistamines is the best choice of getting instant relief. These drugs are effective spring allergy cures of a scratchy throat, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. In choosing antihistamines, go for the ones that don't cause drowsiness. Older generation antihistamines are known to have side effects that cause sleepiness, therefore more recent formulations are recommended.

Dust Allergy Symptoms

Dust Allergy Symptoms
Allergies may occur with anyone. It is the reaction of the immune system against certain allergen. Almost 10% of the US population suffers from dust mite allergy. Dust mites are spider-like creatures that multiply in humid places. They cannot be seen by the naked eye but have a bigger effect as allergen. Since the root cause of this allergy is inside the house, it is a very challenging condition to overcome. The symptoms of dust allergy are symptoms that may be aggravated while cleaning the house. And for some severe cases, wheezes and asthma develops.
You may have a dust allergy but it does not mean a dusty and dirty home. Numerous house dusts differ from every house. A fragment of dust contains pet dander, bacteria, insects, mold spores, dust mites and many others that breeds tiny mites and attack the skin and breathed into the lungs. It is easy to detect whether a person is suffering from dust allergy just simply get rid of those dust collectors inside the house. No matter how hard the vacuuming or dusting, dust mites will never be eliminated. The good thing about them is that they do not bite, nor spread disease. They just die if the humidity falls below 40 to 50%. Treatment to dust mite's allergy are antihistamines, nasal spray, decongestant and avoidance to allergen.
It would be a good idea for people to do everything possible to avoid dust mites. Those who suffer from this condition must learn to adapt their home. If it is possible have at least a little furniture. Clean every house wall and floor with damp cloth. Use bedding that can be washed easily. Choose a wooden or plastic chair. Dust mites don't live longer in hot and cold surroundings, so avoid using air humidifier. If a person is to be exposed in a dusty area, make sure a mask is always available. And lastly, do not smoke inside the house. Severe cases cause complications like respiratory diseases, otitis or inflammation of the ear, insomnia and over fatigue and hospitalization due to asthma. As it is always said, avoidance is better than cure.

Grass Allergy

Grass Allergy
Grass allergy is one of the most common and prevalent form of allergy that affects people with histories of it during certain seasons.
Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy is somehow directly linked to hay fever, because their symptoms and causes are somehow similar to each other.
Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to asthma. It is noted that in the United States alone, about 30% of overall yearly allergy reported or recorded is in the form of grass allergy.
Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact.
Cause of grass allergy
The most usual allergen or substance that cause or triggers grass allergy is pollen. Pollens are very tiny and small particles of ovulation structures owned by plants.
During your primary education and even in your previous Biology classes, you have encountered the word pollen on subjects related to the proliferation or reproduction of plants' flowers.
Take note that pollens are so tiny and light that they can stick to the tiny feet of butterflies. Pollens are most of the time flying or are carried out in the air especially during summer and spring when trees, flowers, and mostly, grass pollinate.
Because pollens are so light weight and they are carried over through the air, people can inhale them. Inhaling pollen can cause or trigger adverse reactions to the person.
Symptoms of grass allergy
Manifestations that indicate the onset of grass allergy are usually identified with breathing disorders.
The most common symptom of grass allergy is severe or constant dry cough. Usually these cough will occur with sore throat. It can never be mistaken for a common viral colds or cough.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Alleviate Allergy Problems Through the NAET Therapy

Alleviate Allergy Problems Through the NAET Therapy
Mild allergy related problems are common and affect a large part of the population. While this isn't a cause to worry there are others who cannot lead a normal life because of allergy related problems. Conventional medicines cure the symptoms but often fail to eradicate the problem from its roots. Alternative medicine, on the other hand not only helps to get rid of the problem, but also prevent it from coming back.
There are several systems of alternative medicines, ranging from Ayurveda, to Color Therapy, Crystal Therapy and Homeopathy. The NAET or the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique is ideal for people looking for a non invasive and drug free therapy. This completely natural treatment was devised by Devi Nambudripad, a licensed chiropractor and acupuncturist. The entire therapy begins with the basic belief that allergy can be treated when a small particle of the allergen is left in the body.
The theory believes that people suffer from allergy because of energy blockages in the body. These are diagnosed by the practitioner using applied kinesiology or the system of muscle testing to determine the allergy. The allergy is then treated with a combination of therapies including acupressure and spinal stimulation.
After every treatment session, the practitioner is required to abstain from the allergy causing food for about 25 hours. The treatment can last for up to two years after which the patient may have to take the procedure again. There are cases where successfully treated patients have seen zero recurrence even after 20 years of the treatment.
NAET has its roots in the oriental definition of allergy, where allergy manifests itself through various symptoms that include psoriasis, eczema and aching joints. These symptoms may seem unrelated to one another. And if conventional medicine was to be referred, these symptoms would be associated with some other medical condition.

The Gluten Allergy

The Gluten Allergy
Gluten isn't just found in typical flour products - it can lurk in some unexpected places. Bouillon cubes, soy sauces and hydrolyzed vegetable proteins are found in many foods, and all of these are likely to contain harmful glutens. Getting the hang of going gluten free is all about knowledge and education - you'll need to understand that even small amounts of gluten will cause a reaction and hinder your efforts to get healthy. As a rule of thumb, most canned soups, noodles, and boxes of cookies should be avoided. Even vinaigrettes, such as commercial salad dressings, can harbor the glutens you're trying so hard to stay away from. Sometimes, making your own meals from scratch is really the best and healthiest strategy. Even foods marked, "gluten-free" may be subject to cross-contamination from other foods. Therefore, how and where food is prepared is very important.
A diet that is rich in lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables is often the ideal choice for a gluten-free diet. Potatoes, rice, and quinoa can provide extra carbohydrates for greater satiety. Cheeses and eggs are also great choices for mealtimes - neither of these products contains gluten. Seasonings should be free of vinegars and MSG (monosodium glutamate) - olive oil, lemon juice, and spices are safe to use and provide lots of options for sauces and salad dressings.
Dining out can be a little tricky - however, many popular chain restaurants, such as Chili's, offer a list of gluten-free entrees and side dishes you can use to make healthier choices. If you're eating out and you can't find a special, gluten-free menu, consider ordering a basic and burger and fries - minus the bun! Or choose a baked potato or rice for a side dish, along with a piece of grilled meat or fish.
Other popular restaurants that cater to gluten-free clients include: Subway (salads and dressings, not sandwiches) The Old Spaghetti Factory (gluten free pastas and sauces), and Boston Market (their rotisserie chicken and Southwest Santa Fe salads are safe choices for gluten-free diets). Don't be afraid to ask servers about gluten-free dishes - chances are, they've answered these questions before. If a server doesn't have the answer, they can probably check with the chef or restaurant manager to get an answer.
If you suffer from celiac disease, the ingestion of gluten is hampering your body's ability to absorb vital nutrients. If you're allergic to wheat or just intolerant to foods containing gluten, you may be weary of the tiredness, bloating and gastrointestinal distress they bring. Removing all glutens from your diet is really the only way to feel better - once you've started this important lifestyle change, you may notice you have less mental fogginess and more energy - you may also lose weight as you cut gluten-rich carbs out of your daily diet.

Yeast Allergy Symptoms - The Indicators

Yeast Allergy Symptoms - The Indicators
The main yeast allergy symptom is fatigue and sluggishness, as the allergy usually deteriorates the immune system. Another common symptom of yeast allergy is gastrointestinal ache. It causes gassiness, vomiting and diarrhoea. This is an indication that there is something not too good taking place in your intestines. Due to the fact that intestinal issues are also a usual symptom of other food allergies, this also makes it hard figure out what is making your body respond the way it is responding. The symptoms of yeast allergy may take anywhere from hours to days after its consumption to show up and therefore it is usually very hard to figure out what exactly is causing them.
Other yeast allergy symptoms include a runny nose, and prickly eyes. It may also come with sneezing and coughing. These reactions come about as the body's way of rejecting what it deems a foreign substance that can cause it significant damage. They are, in essence, the body's way of alerting you that there is something wrong in your body. In its fight against the yeast, the body releases a chemical known as histamine to counteract the effects. Too much histamine is what usually causes the runny nose and the itchy eyes in persons who are having an allergic reaction to yeast. It can also cause you to go into anaphylaxis in some extreme cases. This is the reason for doctors prescribing antihistamines so that they can counteract the histamine the body produces to warn of the presence of yeast in your body and also to off the body protection from its yeast intake.
Rashes and eczema are also common symptoms of a yeast allergy. Hives may also be a symptom that is developed from having consumed yeast. There is a difference between hives and eczema, in that while eczema is a prolonged condition that is activated by an allergic response, hives is directly related to a response to whatever is causing the symptoms. There is normally a quick appearance and disappearance of the hives. They usually appear and then disappear just within a few short hours.

Skin Cancer - Melanoma

Skin Cancer - Melanoma
Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that metastasizes easily making it often fatal if not treated early enough. Bear in mind, however, that all statistics of melanoma come from tissue that has been examined after some form of excisional treatment or biopsy. Melanoma becomes more common with increasing age but it still appears in younger people.
A melanoma can develop in any area of the skin or from an existing mole. A typical melanoma appears as a small darkened area of skin similar in appearance to a mole. It is recognisable as being different to a mole in four different ways known as the ABCDE of melanoma: Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving.
Asymmetry: Most early melanomas are asymmetrical: a line through the middle would not create matching halves. Common moles are round and symmetrical.
Border: The edges of melanomas are often uneven and may have scalloped, notched, or blurred edges. A mole has a smooth, well-defined edge.
Color: The pigmentation of a melanoma is often not uniform, with more than one shade of brown, tan, or black. Moles are usually a single shade of brown
Diameter: A melanoma is usually larger than a mole, continues to grow and is often at least the size of a pencil eraser (about 6mm, or 1/4 inch, in diameter).
Evolving: Change in size, shape and color shade.
Types of Melanoma
Melanomas are described according to their appearance and behavior. Those that start off as flat patches (i.e. have a horizontal growth phase) include:
• Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM)
• Lentigo malignant melanoma (sun damaged skin of face, scalp and neck)
• Acral lentiginous melanoma (on soles of feet, palms of hands or under the nails - under the nails is called subungual melanoma)

Saturday 8 October 2011

Colon Cancer - What Are the Causes and Risk Factors?

Colon Cancer - What Are the Causes and Risk Factors?
This cancer starts as small growths on the inside of the colon. There are several factors to determine your chances of getting colon cancer. Some you can change, and some you can't.
The 10 Things That You Cannot Change
Younger adults do get this type of cancer, but as you age, those risks increase. More than 90 percent of the people diagnosed are over the age of 50. If you have a history of colorectal polyps, colorectal cancer, if your polyps are large or if you have had a lot of them, your at an increased risk. Even if you have all the polyps removed, the chances of developing new cancers in other parts of the colon or rectum are greater.
If cancer runs in the family, especially the immediate family, the age when they got it and how many other family members are affected, may also contribute to your chances. If you suffer from IBD, inflammatory bowel disease, then you need to screen more often. There is a 5 percent chance of you getting this disease from an inherited genetic form.
Racial, and ethnic backgrounds, especially among African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews, have the highest incidence. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Turcot Syndrome, hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer all contribute to you getting this disease.
Six Things You Can Change
Some things you can do to reduce your chances of getting this disease are simple. A high fat, high calorie, and high protein diet increases your chances. By exercising and eating more fruits and vegetables, you will improve your odds of not getting cancer. If you smoke, stop, and if you drink, have no more than two alcoholic beverages per day. Links to colon cancer have also been made to people who work the night shift or had previous treatments for other cancers.

Cheilitis Glandularis Is a Common Developmental Anomaly

Cheilitis Glandularis Is a Common Developmental Anomaly
Cheilitis granulomatosa is a chronic granulomatous condition, characterized clinically by soft, painless, nonpitting swelling of the lower lip. In some cases, the lip lesions may also present scaling, fissuring, cracking or vesiculation, etc. Cheilitis granulomatosa is sometimes considered to be the milder form of "Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome".
Microscopy shows a noncascjp graiiuloma with epithelioid cells and Langhan cells, within the connective tissue stroma. Perivasive and paravascular aggregation of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes are also common. There is no specific treatment for this condition.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is characterized by small melanotic patches on the oral mucosa, which are associated with similar lesions around the mouth, nose and eyes, etc. Skin pigmentations usually fade away after puberty but the oral pigmentations persist. The other important feature of the syndrome is the occurrence of multiple intestinal polyps, which may cause pain and obstruction very often.

How Do I Avoid Pancreatic Cancer?

How Do I Avoid Pancreatic Cancer?
Cancer is a condition which most people dread. There are certain types of cancer which respond very well to modern chemotherapy and have excellent chances of recovery. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is not one of those cancers which is amenable to treatment. In most cases, the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer comes very late, when the disease has already progressed and involved the surrounding organs. This makes prevention a very important part of keeping oneself healthy. This article discuses the answer to the question how can I avoid pancreatic cancer.
To understand how can I avoid pancreatic cancer, the first step is to understand the risk factors for this condition. There are many factors that are associated with an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The most important links start with smoking. It has been observed that smoking cigarettes is a very important risk factor which contributes to increased risk of pancreatic cancer. You will want to kick the smoking habit to ensure protection not just against pancreatic but also lung and oral cancers. Being obese or overweight also contributes to an increased susceptibility to cancer of the pancreas. You should maintain the ideal weight for your age and height by embarking on a regular fitness program and sticking to a healthy diet. Diet may also play an important part as pancreatic cancer can be associated with diets which are rich in fats and meat.
Other factors which influence the answer to the question how can I avoid pancreatic cancer come from the family history. You have to check if your family has a positive history of pancreatic cancer. This might be among first or second degree relatives. There is also an influence of conditions like chronic pancreatitis. If you have a history of repeated attacks of inflammation of your pancreas, this increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer to a great extent. Some families have a predisposition to chronic pancreatitis and this factor must be looked into in detail. One risk factor for pancreatitis itself and indirectly affecting the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is alcohol intake. There is clinical evidence to prove that alcohol induced pancreatitis is positively correlated with a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.Alcohol intake is also associated with liver cirrhosis which has been implicated in the development of pancreatic cancer. Family history of genetic syndromes that can increase cancer risk, including a BRCA2 gene mutation, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Lynch syndrome and familial atypical mole-malignant melanoma (FAMMM).

Carcinoma of the Pancreas

Carcinoma of the Pancreas
Pancreatic carcinoma has lately become the fourth primary cause of cancer-related death in the Unites States, with an annual incidence and mortality approaching 40,000 instances per 12 months. Delay in diagnosis, relative resistance to chemotherapy and radiation, and intrinsic biological aggressiveness manifested by early metastatic illness all lead to the abysmal prognosis connected with pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Pancreatic cancer malignancy generally occurs after age 50 many years and increases in incidence with age, with most sufferers diagnosed between 60 and 80 many years of age. It's somewhat more frequent in men than in ladies. Autopsy series document that pancreatic cancer may be determined in as much as 2% of individuals undergoing a postmortem examination.
Many risk factors for pancreatic adenocarcinoma have been determined. Cigarette smoking has the strongest general association and is believed to account for one-quarter of cases diagnosed. The association in between cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer malignancy is thought to become related to N-nitroso compounds existing in cigarette smoke.
Exposure to these agents leads to pancreatic ductal hyperplasia, a feasible precursor to adenocarcinoma. Other elements connected with an elevated danger of pancreatic adenocarcinoma include a higher dietary intake of saturated fat, exposure to nonchlorinated solvents, and the pesticide dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), although the overall contribution of these elements is likely small.
Diabetes mellitus has also recently been determined as a danger element for the illness. Chronic pancreatitis increases the danger of developing pancreatic adenocarcinoma by 10- to 20-fold. The role of other dietary factors (coffee, higher body fat consumption, and alcohol use) is much debated. Diets containing fresh fruits and vegetables are believed to be protective.

Iguana Diseases - Looking Out For Your Pet Iguana

Iguana Diseases - Looking Out For Your Pet Iguana
Metabolic Bone Disease in Iguanas
Metabolic Bone Disease is the most common iguana disease, which is primarily caused dues to severe malnutrition. Iguanas, which are living in captivity requires a healthy diet made by the combination of dark green vegetables, hibiscus flowers and fruits. However, vitamins and minerals should also be supplemented in their diet in small amount. There is a lot of misinformation among the most of the iguana owners that a diet of iceberg lettuce is a good diet for them. The fact is that it has very low nutritive value. Metabolic Bone disease is developed in the iguanas as a result of consistently feeding them with this low nutritious diet.
Why Iguanas develop calcium deficiency?
Calcium deficiency is another common ailment of iguanas in captivity, which causes injury of their limbs and can even cause paralysis in extreme cases. Iguanas, which are kept in captivity, are less exposed to the sunlight or artificial UV light and this as a result of this, they develop calcium deficiency in them as Vitamin D does not gets synthesized in their body in the required quantity. As a result, their body is not able to absorb calcium from the diet and hence, it becomes calcium deficit.
What causes nose damage in some iguanas?
The enclosures and the cages, in which iguanas live, are very small in size. Therefore, whenever iguanas try to find some space in those small enclosures, they rub their noses with the sides and which leads to noses damage. This can also lead to the mouth rot and other complications, making the iguanas permanently disfigured.
What causes Burn Injuries in some iguanas?
Burn injuries in iguanas are more often caused by the heat lamps which are installed in the enclosures of the iguana for providing artificial UV light and heat. Iguanas generally like to live in the natural habitat where they can bask sufficiently in the sunlight. As they try to bask in the places in captivity so that they could absorb as much UV rays and heat as possible, they get burn injuries. They consider artificial light as the natural sunlight and in captivity try to get closer to the artificial source of light. While basking, as they try to come closer to the heat lamp while, they get themselves burned in this process. We can conclude most of the injuries and diseases in iguanas are caused due to the ignorance of their owners. Therefore, all iguana owners should learn how to take care of iguanas so that they can take care of these exotic and interesting pets in a better way.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

About Malnutrition Information

About Malnutrition Information
In the Western world, good, clean food is in ready supply, and there is no real reason why anyone of us should suffer from malnutrition - which is the result of inadequate nutritional intake. However, failure to understand the changing needs of our bodies, for instance, in pregnancy, illness, and as we grow older, land the dismaying lack of nutrition available in our food due to environmental factors, means that cases of malnutrition are on the increase in richer countries. The great Western diet has come up short for many people.
The links between diet and disease are not fully understood as yet, but we do know that malnutrition can cause pathological illness affecting all parts of the body. Some of the most common effects of malnutrition are:
- heart disease and circulatory problems as a result of obesity
- normal headaches or migraine
- night blindness, from a vitamin A deficiency
- bleeding gums, loose teeth and general fatigue resulting from a lack of vitamin C (the body does not store vitamin C and daily requirements vary from person to person)
- anemia from insufficient iron
- lack of motor function in the legs, painful feet, numbness, lesions in the spinal cord, and neurological disease, may all be the result of vitamin B deficiency
- digestive disorders, including diarrhea, nausea, cramps, IBS, pain, and piles, may be a result of inadequate diet
- rashes, itching, allergies, sensitivities and other skin problems may be the result of vitamin deficiencies

Alcoholism Disease and Alcoholism Physical Symptoms

Alcoholism Disease and Alcoholism Physical Symptoms
Alcoholism disease and alcoholism physical symptoms should be understood if there's a concern about alcohol abuse. Alcoholism disease can be defined as a drug addiction where alcohol consumption is at a level that interferes with the person's physical and mental health and negatively impacts family, social or work responsibilities.
Because alcohol consumption can involve many organs in the body, long-term heavy drinking puts a person at risk for developing serious health conditions and illnesses. While each of the health conditions listed below can exist for reasons unrelated to alcoholism disease, certain conditions and alcoholism physical symptoms may be indications that alcohol abuse exists and is affecting the health of the person.
Here are examples of health conditions and related alcoholism physical symptoms that may indicate alcoholism disease:
o Liver Inflammation - alcoholism physical symptoms for liver inflammation include abnormal yellowing of the skin, eyeballs and urine, fever and abdominal pain. Since alcohol destroys liver cells and the ability of the liver to regenerate new cells, long term abuse of alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Kidney Pain Causes

Kidney Pain Causes
Kidney pain can be brought on by a number of different medical reasons. Some of the possible underlying causes are mentioned in this article. First of all, let's give kidney pain a bit of a description. Are you aware of how and where it presents? Typically, it is experienced in the upper area of one's back. If it is in the middle section, or the lower area, then the discomfort that is being experienced may be due to some other reason. Additionally, it is not normally a dull sensation, but more sharp in nature. Let's move on now, by looking at some of the medical causes that can be behind kidney pain.
Renal cancer
This is where there is a malignancy in the organ(s). There are many forms of cancer that can occur in the kidneys. One of the most frequently found ones is renal cell carcinoma. Urothelial cell carcinoma is also amongst the most common forms. When someone has cancer here, there may be some symptoms that show up. One possibility is a mass that can be felt in the abdomen. Hydronephrosis is another issue that may occur. Blood can also show up in the patient's urine.
You may be aware of some information about this painful condition: kidney stones. This happens when crystals separate from the person's urine, and develop into something hard and sizable. They can lead to a blocked flow of urine. As with renal cancer, blood may appear in the urine. There may also be a burning sensation when the person urinates. Nausea is one of the other potential symptoms. A number of medical reasons can contribute to the development of these stones. Crohn's disease is one possibility. Hyperparathyroidism can also have an effect on their development. A variety of treatment methods exist for this medical reason for kidney pain, and based on certain factors one may be more appropriate than another for a particular case.
Urinary tract infection
Such an illness is also known as a UTI for short. This cause of kidney pain can occur when bacteria gets into the urinary tract. Once again, urine that contains blood may be released. Protein and pus can also be found in the urine in some instances. Night sweats might show up in a person with a UTI. There may be particularly significant levels of fatigue. Do keep in mind that some UTIs do not lead to noticeable symptoms. A urine culture is commonly used as a method to try to confirm a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection.

Kidney Pain Causes

Kidney Pain Causes
Kidney pain can be brought on by a number of different medical reasons. Some of the possible underlying causes are mentioned in this article. First of all, let's give kidney pain a bit of a description. Are you aware of how and where it presents? Typically, it is experienced in the upper area of one's back. If it is in the middle section, or the lower area, then the discomfort that is being experienced may be due to some other reason. Additionally, it is not normally a dull sensation, but more sharp in nature. Let's move on now, by looking at some of the medical causes that can be behind kidney pain.
Renal cancer
This is where there is a malignancy in the organ(s). There are many forms of cancer that can occur in the kidneys. One of the most frequently found ones is renal cell carcinoma. Urothelial cell carcinoma is also amongst the most common forms. When someone has cancer here, there may be some symptoms that show up. One possibility is a mass that can be felt in the abdomen. Hydronephrosis is another issue that may occur. Blood can also show up in the patient's urine.
You may be aware of some information about this painful condition: kidney stones. This happens when crystals separate from the person's urine, and develop into something hard and sizable. They can lead to a blocked flow of urine. As with renal cancer, blood may appear in the urine. There may also be a burning sensation when the person urinates. Nausea is one of the other potential symptoms. A number of medical reasons can contribute to the development of these stones. Crohn's disease is one possibility. Hyperparathyroidism can also have an effect on their development. A variety of treatment methods exist for this medical reason for kidney pain, and based on certain factors one may be more appropriate than another for a particular case.
Urinary tract infection
Such an illness is also known as a UTI for short. This cause of kidney pain can occur when bacteria gets into the urinary tract. Once again, urine that contains blood may be released. Protein and pus can also be found in the urine in some instances. Night sweats might show up in a person with a UTI. There may be particularly significant levels of fatigue. Do keep in mind that some UTIs do not lead to noticeable symptoms. A urine culture is commonly used as a method to try to confirm a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection.

Kidney Pain Causes

Kidney Pain Causes
Kidney pain can be brought on by a number of different medical reasons. Some of the possible underlying causes are mentioned in this article. First of all, let's give kidney pain a bit of a description. Are you aware of how and where it presents? Typically, it is experienced in the upper area of one's back. If it is in the middle section, or the lower area, then the discomfort that is being experienced may be due to some other reason. Additionally, it is not normally a dull sensation, but more sharp in nature. Let's move on now, by looking at some of the medical causes that can be behind kidney pain.
Renal cancer
This is where there is a malignancy in the organ(s). There are many forms of cancer that can occur in the kidneys. One of the most frequently found ones is renal cell carcinoma. Urothelial cell carcinoma is also amongst the most common forms. When someone has cancer here, there may be some symptoms that show up. One possibility is a mass that can be felt in the abdomen. Hydronephrosis is another issue that may occur. Blood can also show up in the patient's urine.
You may be aware of some information about this painful condition: kidney stones. This happens when crystals separate from the person's urine, and develop into something hard and sizable. They can lead to a blocked flow of urine. As with renal cancer, blood may appear in the urine. There may also be a burning sensation when the person urinates. Nausea is one of the other potential symptoms. A number of medical reasons can contribute to the development of these stones. Crohn's disease is one possibility. Hyperparathyroidism can also have an effect on their development. A variety of treatment methods exist for this medical reason for kidney pain, and based on certain factors one may be more appropriate than another for a particular case.
Urinary tract infection
Such an illness is also known as a UTI for short. This cause of kidney pain can occur when bacteria gets into the urinary tract. Once again, urine that contains blood may be released. Protein and pus can also be found in the urine in some instances. Night sweats might show up in a person with a UTI. There may be particularly significant levels of fatigue. Do keep in mind that some UTIs do not lead to noticeable symptoms. A urine culture is commonly used as a method to try to confirm a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection.

Renal Cancer Survival Rate

Renal Cancer Survival Rate
Since the kidneys are amongst the most vital organs of the body, cancer growing in these parts is also quite dangerous. Amidst the growing number of studies conducted to combat the progression of this disease, the over-all average renal cancer survival rate has only slightly improved in the recent years. As per the latest studies conducted by the cancer research societies, the renal cancer survival rate in the United States is still around 60-65%.
A 5 year renal cancer survival rate refers to the percentage or number of patients who were able to remain living five years after they were diagnosed with cancer of the kidneys. These patients are all treated and have undergone surgery as well.
As we all know, we have 2 kidneys in our body. In some renal cancer cases, only one kidney may be affected of the cancer while the other wouldn't. In these cases, removal of the affected part may be recommended since the functioning kidney will still be able to continually do its work alone.
If the cancer is detected as early as stage 1, the better the prognosis. Patients diagnosed at this stage have more than 90% chances of surviving so long as recommended treatment is properly given.
As the cancer remains adamant on its progression, the more the prognosis may become quite low. Once the cancer moves outward and invades the surrounding tissues, the more difficult to control and remove it through surgery. At the last stage, once the cancer starts eating up vital organs near the kidneys, the rate of survival was reported to be at 10% - meaning 1 out of 10 patients reaches 5 years after being diagnosed.

Recognize and Prevent Kidney Failure

Recognize and Prevent Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work to filter waste body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.
Kidney failure can be divided into acute and chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure will occur suddenly in a matter of days and weeks. If done right treatment would be cured. Chronic renal failure arises slowly in a long time and not curable. This disease must undergo lifelong treatment.
The occurrence of renal failure caused by several serious illnesses suffered by the body and gradually affects the kidney organ damage.
#1. High blood pressure.
#2. Diabetes mellitus.
#3. Blockage of the urinary tract (stones, tumors, narrowing / stricture).
#4. Autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythema.
#5. Suffering from cancer.
#6. Kidney disorders, where there has been a development of many cysts on the kidney itself.
#7. Damage to filters in the kidney cells either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of high blood pressure.
#8. Other diseases that can cause renal failure and if not quickly addressed will suddenly lose a lot of fluid (vomiting, bleeding, burns) as well as other diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, hepatitis, and drugs.

Recognize and Prevent Kidney Failure

Recognize and Prevent Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work to filter waste body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.
Kidney failure can be divided into acute and chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure will occur suddenly in a matter of days and weeks. If done right treatment would be cured. Chronic renal failure arises slowly in a long time and not curable. This disease must undergo lifelong treatment.
The occurrence of renal failure caused by several serious illnesses suffered by the body and gradually affects the kidney organ damage.
#1. High blood pressure.
#2. Diabetes mellitus.
#3. Blockage of the urinary tract (stones, tumors, narrowing / stricture).
#4. Autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythema.
#5. Suffering from cancer.
#6. Kidney disorders, where there has been a development of many cysts on the kidney itself.
#7. Damage to filters in the kidney cells either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of high blood pressure.
#8. Other diseases that can cause renal failure and if not quickly addressed will suddenly lose a lot of fluid (vomiting, bleeding, burns) as well as other diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, hepatitis, and drugs.

Monday 3 October 2011

Lung Cancer and Nodules

Lung Cancer and Nodules
There are few symptoms of lung nodules. Frequently they're spotted on an X-ray as an incidental result, or something not linked to the reason for the X-ray. If they are malignant or cancerous, they will enlarge and develop over time and may begin to cause symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain.
Your doctor may evaluate your current chest X-ray or CT scan with a preceding one. If the nodule emerges in earlier images and hasn't altered in size, shape or appearance, it's maybe noncancerous. Causes of noncancerous lung nodules comprise histoplasmosis, hematoma, vascular abnormalities, tuberculosis, and lung cysts. The noncancerous nodules typically need no treatment; however, your doctor will possibly monitor the nodule for alterations making use of periodic imaging tests. Even though the majority lung nodules are noncancerous, some stand for early-stage lung cancer.
As concerns radiation therapy, it consists of high-energy X-ray beams aimed at the nodule. The purpose is to minimize the tumor and lessen the symptoms. Effectiveness relates to the kind of delivery and the other treatments performed in combination with the radiation. Side effects of radiation consist of the tendency to tire easily, loss of appetite, inflammation in the lungs, loss of hair on the chest, and skin irritation.

Abdominal Pains Caused By Pancreatic Cysts

Abdominal Pains Caused By Pancreatic Cysts
Abdominal pains can also arise when you have got large pancreatic cysts. They may even become visible to you when you notice firm, rounded swelling in the upper abdomen. In the beginning, the cysts may sound resonant, like a drum. The sounds are as such due to loops of gas-filled intestine fronting its location; eventually the mass sounds dull. Cysts may form within your pancreas if you have cystic fibrosis. It is not just adults that can develop cysts. Cystic pancreatic lesions have also been reported in children.
Even though your pancreas may be small, it has many functions. Your pancreas is responsible for producing several hormones needed in your digestion and bodily functions, including insulin that helps control your blood sugar. Though hidden behind your stomach, the pancreas can be affected by pancreatic cysts. These cysts are normally benign but can sometimes be cancerous. For this reason, it is good to know something about them.
Pancreatic cysts are made up of fluids and are located in the pancreas. They are mainly of two types: true cysts (lined with epithelial cells) and false or pseudo-cysts (lined with fibrous tissue). True pancreatic cysts are less common (only 20% of incidence) and include congenital polycystic disease of the pancreas, among others. A pseudocyst (80% of incidence) is a collection of fluid in the lesser sac. It usually develops due to trauma to the pancreas, or following acute or chronic pancreatitis (of which alcoholism is a significant cause), or due to perforation of a posterior gastric ulcer (which is rare).

Types of Scoliosis

Types of Scoliosis
The most common type of scoliosis based on age is idiopathic scoliosis. As the word indicates, the cause is unknown. It affects about 4% of the population, commonly females. The reasons may include differences in leg length, hereditary conditions, injury, infections and tumors.
Idiopathic scoliosis is subdivided into three categories: infantile, juvenile and adolescent. Infantile scoliosis extends from birth to age three. Juvenile scoliosis is caused between the ages three and nine. As the child grows, there is a possibility to slow down the curve progression. Adolescent scoliosis extends from 10 to 18. It is the most common type of idiopathic scoliosis in the United States and can be discovered and treated in childhood or adolescence. It occurs in teenagers just at the growth spurt of puberty.
Other types of scoliosis are congenital, neuromuscular and degenerative. Congenital scoliosis is a rare type of scoliosis caused by an abnormally shaped bone that presents at birth. It occurs throughout the fetal development. Absence of vertebrae, partially formed vertebrae, failure of the vertebrae to form normally and the lack of separation of vertebrae are considered to be the reasons behind this condition. Neuromuscular scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine occurring due to muscular weakness or neuromuscular disease such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, paralytic conditions, spinal cord tumors, neurofibromatosis and muscular dystrophy. Degenerative scoliosis happens in adults due to weakening of the spine with aging.